Kazuko Otani (“Persona 5″/”Royal”)
Ohya (voiced by Yumi Uchiyama in Japanese and Amanada Winn-Lee in English) is a minor character in the Persona 5 series.
She is a paparazzi determined to be the first on the scene to find information about the Phantom Thieves. You eventually make a deal with her, and she becomes part of your confidant list, with her assigned secret card being “Devil.”
Oye has short black bob hair and light brown eyes. She wore red lipstick, a pair of orange sunglasses on her head, and a camera hanging around her neck. Her main outfit consists of a white long-sleeved undershirt and a black T-shirt emblazoned with “Low Life Fight the Power” in bright pink and blue, light blue jeans and black Converse shoes. Finally, she wore a light pink fanny pack on her waist through a belt loop and tied a water bottle to the strap.
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