Lunch is YouTuber branded lunch. Created by Jimmy “Mr. Beast” Donaldson, Olajide Olayinka “KSI” Olatunji and Logan Paul, they’re considered a healthier (and more expensive) take on the space-age Oscar Meyer snack packs ) alternatives. However, some of the lunches also apparently had mold. oops!
YouTube baker Rosanna Pansino, famous for Nerdy Nummies, I recently made a video To compare the two products, she found moldy cheese in the first lunch package she opened. The snacks include small mini pizzas and ingredients for Mr. Beast’s Feastable chocolate bars (which he makes himself). Obsessively ensuring that items on store shelves are neatly arranged), as well as Paul and KSI’s Prime energy drink, some senators believe Considered dangerous for children to consume.
Pansino’s huge discovery may be bad for the Lunchly brand, but it’s certainly a good thing for content. “It’s molded,” she confirmed after opening the package. The packages have an expiration date of December 8, 2024, and were purchased on October 16, the day the video was shot. “It’s not safe, especially for young children, who may not know what mold looks like and just eat it.”
As the parent of a five-year-old who recently tried to take a sip from a nearly empty juice bottle that had been abandoned on the curb in front of our house for nearly a week, I’m sure kids will try to do the silliest things Things shit.
“I just want you to know I’m not faking this,” Pansino continued. She said the original intention of the video was to review the nutritional content and differences between the two brands with input from some experts, and to share healthier alternatives that are still affordable. “I didn’t expect that. You can cover the mold with pepperoni.
It seems she wasn’t the only one to find mold in her lunch. Other alleged violations of FDA regulations Suddenly appeared on the Internet exist video and post That Also became popular However, its origin is rarely recorded. It’s unclear whether moldy cheese in lunch is a common enough problem to warrant deep concern, or just a standard edge case that occurs when food gets damaged in transit. Lunchables for sure its own problem With moldy cheese over the years.
So what were the results of Pansino’s survey on mold-free lunch foods ($3.79 per box) and lunch snacks ($4 per box)? She basically found that both contained high amounts of saturated fat, sodium, and added processed sugar. Shocking, I know. You can effectively make your own versions of both snacks for about the same price by tossing some fruit, crackers, and cheese into a plastic bin, though where’s the fun in mold RNG?
Lunch debacle is over A series of controversies plague Mr. Beastfrom workplace issues arrive Fyre Festival level issues surrounding his Amazon Prime game show. But the YouTube powerhouse blogger isn’t the first celebrity to repackage junk content and market it to kids simply by putting his name on it.
Pansino’s complete lunch itinerary is as follows: