You know that agonizing feeling when you’re trying to come up with the perfect opening line on a dating app? Or when a match gets back to you, but you’re so stressed out at work that you simply don’t have the ability to come up with something witty, cool, and hilarious? Well, now there’s an app that does just that.
Welcome to the world of artificial intelligence dating assistant apps. No, this is not a fake photo or a virtual girlfriend. Instead, apps like Rizz and WingAI generate openers and conversation responses—all you have to do is upload a screenshot of your profile or message. You can choose from different conversational tones, from “NSFW” to “casual,” with the goal of removing some of the burden of modern dating.
Feeling uneasy? Do you think this marks the end of authenticity in the regrettable minefield that is the online dating scene? Will it never take off? Well, actually, 2024 Report on dating app Flirtini Shows that up to 55% of people already use artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT) to generate messages to send to dates. 2024 study More than a quarter of Americans (30% of men, 27% of women) are also already using AI to enhance their dating profiles, according to McAfee – the next project from Rizz and WingAI, and already available on YourMoveAI Function.
Why do people use artificial intelligence dating assistant apps?
So, who is actually using these apps? Have you been confused by AI without knowing it? Is it really as creepy as it looks? I spoke to regular users of artificial intelligence dating apps and other daters to find out whether it’s the next frontier in modern dating.
Artem, a 35-year-old accountant from Miami, has been using Rizz for about eight months, using it to replace annoying group chats. “My friends are much funnier than me, so I often talk to them about clever ways to cope,” he says. “But obviously, I can’t rely on them all the time, and AI applications are available 24/7.”
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As for how it worked, for a memorable opening, he uploaded a screenshot of his match date profile and opted for a “Rizz” tone — a relatively spicy, cheeky mode. The app suggests opening lines that are relevant to the profile, and Artem hits refresh, or adds keywords to focus on until he finds the right one. To get help with the ongoing conversation, he uploaded screenshots of the exchange and received suggestions for replies. Artem rarely just copy and paste, instead using suggestions to keep his creative juices flowing.
“One day it gave me the opening line, ‘If you had a third nipple, where would it be?’ I obviously didn’t use it, but it got me thinking,” he said. “The girl I was talking to had a lot of tattoos, so I asked her, ‘If you had one tattoo but you could never show it to anyone, what would it be?'” According to reports, another successful opener — this One was for a woman working at a non-profit – who wrote: “Hey, so I’m hosting this charity event next week for people who can’t orgasm. If you can’t ejaculate, let me know.”
I’ll just let it sit for a while.
I do try to keep an open mind, but these two sentences almost make me sick to my stomach. Obviously the cringe factor is the toe curling, but the sexually suggestive aspect is just plain uncomfortable – a consistent issue I’ve noticed when playing these apps myself. In fact, 99% of the suggestions I receive are unsendable and would likely be blocked immediately if I received them from anyone else. (Specifically: “Hey, amazing mind! Your intellect is exciting, but so is your naughty tongue. blink”) These apps claim to have been trained with the help of male and female dating coaches, but surely no woman will sign off?
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Artyom insists, though, that practice pays off. The main reason he likes this app is dating fatigue – Basically feeling burnt out and exhausted from meeting new people and getting nowhere. “It can definitely be exhausting,” he said. “It’s cool and fun to talk to one person, but you can feel mentally exhausted when you end up talking to five to eight people at once while trying to decide who to choose.” Concentration attention. Using Rizz means he can put less effort into coming up with clever quips to succeed in the Tinder world.
This echoes the broader sentiment among app daters today – that the process has somewhat lost its luster and is now just a means to an end. 2024 Forbes Health Research The study found that 79% of Gen Z said they were tired of dating apps, including 80% of women and 74% of men.
“If I ask again, ‘Hey, what’s up? How are you?’ I’m done with the conversation.
That’s why Taylor, a 30-year-old veterinarian from Florida, uses WingAI. “If I ask again, ‘Hey, what’s up? How are you?’ I’m done with the conversation,” she said. “Using the app opens up more conversations in a fun way. It helps eliminate fatigue and makes conversations more interesting.”
Wouldn’t all of this add more management to the dating process? Apparently not. “I’ve been Googling back and forth to find interesting opening lines related to certain jobs,” she said, a method Artyom has also used. Taylor uses WingAI to inspire her first lines in Bumble, but like Artem, she always edits the suggestions to make them sound more like her personality. “I don’t always like these ideas, but they give me an idea of where to go,” she said. “I make sure it’s a hybrid between me and the app.”
As for the authenticity of it all, Taylor thinks it’s just as unreal as any other online dating experience. “Dating on apps is always fake and superficial at first. You’re matched based on someone’s appearance and the carefully curated persona they present there,” she said. “As long as the AI doesn’t do the entire conversation for you, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
It’s a fair point. Perfecting your profile can take hours, weeks, and you’ll make more friends than you’ve ever dated. The witty hints that make you fall in love with someone are most likely their friends’ humor, not theirs. There are also some outright scammers worth considering: According to a recent survey Forbes Health SurveyNearly one in five adults surveyed claimed to have lied about their age, with men more likely to adjust their numbers at 23% compared to 19% of women. Other reported lies included income (14%), height (12%), and hobbies and interests (14%). Think of all the people who pay for premium dating app accounts that offer all kinds of support, like sorting your potential matches based on who is most likely to respond – whether they’re new members or those who are active today.
“If I relied solely on an app’s recommendations and it didn’t fit my personality, then, yes, that would be an inauthentic representation of myself.”
Dhruv, 25, of Bangalore, agrees with Taylor. “If I relied solely on the app’s recommendations and it didn’t fit my personality, then yeah, that would be an inauthentic representation of myself,” said a user experience designer who has been using regularly for the past three months. “But when I actually meet in person, I screw up, too.” He thinks it’s hard to trick someone into building a relationship by using an AI app, because text messages are only a small part of building a spark — you have to be there somewhere. time to meet or talk to them.
“The app is more about effective initial communication and helping me become the best version of myself,” adds Artem. “Each user is still deciding what to send and what not to send. For every line I use, there are probably 12 lines I throw away.”
Is dating AI assistant useful?
So how successful is it actually? Dhruv claims he’s seen huge results: “I used to receive one to two matches a week, but after using DatingAI, I started receiving six to seven matches.” This success rate is even higher than what WingAI makes. A major commitment to increase response rates by 250%. Artem feels his success hasn’t changed, but the app has boosted his confidence and lowered his stress levels. He also doesn’t see any shame in using the app. “I’m 35, so when I was in high school, dating apps didn’t exist and there was a huge stigma about people meeting online,” he continued. “But now the internet and dating on the internet is our default choice. I don’t understand why these apps wouldn’t become a normal part of the process.”
But what do daters who have never heard of these apps think about all this? London resident Talia, 31, initially thought it sounded like a slippery slope in the already confusing dating game. “If this becomes the norm, surely it means a lot of extra time being wasted going on dates, only to find out they’re nothing like what you saw in the messages?” she said. However, after thinking more about it, she was excited about the prospect of more interesting conversations, but actually testing the apps left her disappointed. “If they come up with a really good suggestion, I’m all for it.
I found myself at Thalia’s camp. Frankly, I’ve converted to the actual concept Theoreticallyy. But the current product is not popular enough. There’s also price points to consider: YourMoveAI is £4.99 per week (cheaper with monthly and yearly extensions), while WingAI and Rizz have fixed fees of £6.99 per week and up to £9.99 respectively.
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The most important point of all still stands out: Asking an unconscious computer program that’s incapable of love or sex is simply not the same as asking a friend you know and trust (someone you’ve actually dated in real life). Also, could these apps teach an entire generation of men with poor flirting or social skills that it is normal to start a conversation with such inappropriate sexual innuendos? and it yes Most are men. Currently, 66% of Rizz members are male, while the proportion of YourMove.AI has risen to 85%, and the proportion of is as high as 99%.
If these apps could become cheaper and better, they could change the dating game. But more women, and maybe young people who actually play games, are needed to help write software. What do women want? Well, it’s certainly not about the third nipple.
Apps and software artificial intelligence