Hello everyone and welcome to this week! It’s time again for us to look back at the noteworthy updates from the past seven days. You know it’s one of those weeks when Sean has to add more than one free matching puzzle game update to his list. Don’t worry, we’ve got some cool stuff too. You can also see Sean kick King Robert, which is an activity we all love. Of course, you can follow updates yourself by participating in the TouchArcade forum. This weekly summary is just to give you an idea of things you may have missed. Let’s work hard together!
Pergrinfree I know this is a bit rare for me but I am giving away the coveted UMMS system Awarded to the first game on this week’s list. PergrinUpdate 1.0 lets you play up to level 20 in Cruciball, fight the new Slime Hive mini-boss, and take advantage of a host of tweaks, bug fixes, balance tweaks, and other improvements. This game doesn’t really need much updating, but I’ll take it regardless.
Brawl Starsfree brawl time! Star time! Dare we say… Brawl time? Yes, we dare. Spongebob. SpongeBob is participating in a new event, which is so cool. Several new fighters appear in the form of Moe (mythical) and Kenji (legendary), as well as some new Hypercharges for various characters. All of these will be rolled out as usual over the next few months Brawl Stars Stylish, but the SpongeBob stuff should be starting soon, if it hasn’t started yet by the time you read this.
seam.what else can one expect from a soothing and satisfying update? seam But is there more basketball to play? That’s what you get here, this time with a bit of a martial arts theme. anyway. Like any good puzzle game, it doesn’t matter what the theme of the puzzle is as long as you get more of it. So yeah, update your apps and go do some basketball. You will feel much better.
Genshin Impactfree I guess this game is called Genshin Impact: Natlan released Now. Nothing can be done about it. You get a new region, Natlan, and three new characters: Mualani, Kinich and Kachina. And of course there are new weapons. There are tons of new events and stories to choose from, as well as some new artifacts. Regular players probably know what to expect by now Genshin Impact Update, while this one is a bit larger than usual, it’s generally very consistent with the previous one.
Temple Escape: Puzzle Adventureokay, let’s get started. At least the game is on Apple Arcade, so it’s not completely free. Still, this is a decent puzzle game update. There are a hundred new levels to play temple escape The spin-off, as far as these things go, is quite a bit. As usual, the tournament has also been updated. That’s all, but I’m sure it will keep a lot of players busy for a while. Maybe until the next update? I’ve seen how people who play these types of games chew up the levels, so I’m not very confident about it!
Jet Pack Fun 2in this very special update for the Apple Arcade sequel to Halfbrick’s hit autorunner: Barry Steakfries escapes to a place uncorrupted by capitalism – space! Unfortunately, leaving it in would break the format of the article. It’s really best as a mic drop reference, but if I do that, things will look really messy, so I’m going to have to stand here and mess around a bit so that everything stays where it is correctly. Tim Curry, guys. He is a treasure. His many performances, large and small, left a deep impression on us. Thank you so much Mr. Curry, I’m 99% sure he’s reading this.
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Popmoving forward, is another matching puzzle game. But to be fair, this is one of the most classic matching puzzle games ever created. At least in its original form, anyway. As for this particular version, there are new character episodes for Sig, Carbuncle, and Rafisol in Adventure Mode. Mina has been added as a playable character, minus her own episode. An additional seven music tracks are also available in the store, all featuring fan-favorite tunes from previous titles. Just add some bug fixes.
Hearthstone time! This one usually has good update instructions, so let’s open the old file and see what we have in front of us. Um. Okay, let’s just make do. Battlefield Season 8, Accessories and Travel, is coming soon. We’ve seen all kinds of new stuff in previous seasons, which is nice. The trinket shop is here, and I went hiking with my friends. You can purchase trinkets with gold coins twice per game, which will affect the rest of the game. This seems cumbersome to balance, but I guess this is the place Hearthstone Right now.
cartoon explosionFree The first of two actual mandatory free matching puzzle game updates for this article is cartoon explosion. There’s a brand new episode here, giving you fifty new levels to play. Something involving bees, or happiness, or a combination of the two. Bees are cool, even though I’m a little scared of them sometimes. They’re cool little friends helping the ecosystem, and if it weren’t for that pointy ouch, I’d give them a little hug. Hang in there, my bug friends. We will get through this together.
royal matchfree I don’t know which is preferable to me: King Robert permanently perishing and never appearing again, or King Robert continually perishing and perishing again, in an eternal and horrific cycle of suffering. One hundred new levels. A new equestrian arena. This seems to have some potential. I love that ad where they replaced King Robert with a icy pregnant woman and her baby, like we’re supposed to care about this gorgeously dressed, slightly icy monarch. Burn your velvet robes to warm your flesh, you decadent old ogre.
That wraps up last week’s big update. I’m sure I missed something, though, so feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think there’s something that should be mentioned. As usual, the big updates will likely get their own news coverage this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the gaps. Have a great week!