A comic featuring university hospital doctors debuted in 2007
Artificial intelligence localization company Orange Company announced on Friday that its new e-book store service will release a new comic the week of October 31st.in the past”.

Orange Company Add to Nakao Hakua and Katsuhira Matsumotoof Anesthetist Hana (Enter Hana) comic and describes the story:
The shortage of anesthesiologists is particularly acute during a healthcare crisis.
This manga provides an insight into their difficult daily lives through the perspective of Hanako Hanaoka, an anesthesiologist at University Hospital. It perfectly blends drama and humor to paint a shockingly realistic picture of the profession.
Long working hours, low pay, and even sexual harassment—despite the challenges, Hanako spent every day with enthusiasm and was ready to care for her patients!
This comic was published in Futabashaof comic action Magazine 2007. comics Some English comics were previously released in 2011.
Orange is launched in the past Available September 3rd in the US and Canada.in the past“At launch, the platform includes approximately 6,000 comics from 13 publishers, and plans to add at least one new, previously unpublished work in English every week. Orange Company Announces that it has obtained the translation, publishing and distribution rights from the publisher, including shaogenfengshe, Futabashaand Akita Publishing House. The company also acquired distribution rights Kodansha America Publishing Company.
The company’s partners are Shueisha Localizing one-off comics Shonen Jump+ Allows readers to read newly translated English stories several times a week for free. both in the past and Shueishaof Comics Plus The service is simultaneously publishing one-off comics. Comics Plus also announced its new plans to release content from Shonen Jump+ English services are also provided.
Readers can create a free account in the past and access the platform’s extensive content. Each comic has a detailed summary, sample chapter, or preview for readers to try. Readers can purchase single volumes of comics or subscribe to ongoing series directly through the platform.
in the past The service is web-based and Orange is considering launching it as a mobile app next year.
Source: Email correspondence