an announcement video Eiichiro Odaof one piece The manga and its animated adaptation confirmed on Sunday that the anime will resume the Egghead arc next April. The announcement follows a televised program Monster: 103 Merciful Dragon Spell anime and One Piece movie red There is animation on Sunday nights.
renew: This live broadcast “one piece The “News #1” special confirmed that the TV anime is changing its regular time slots until March 2025 to “Charge”. jumping party More details for the 2025 event will be announced on December 22.
this a fan letter The special episode will air next Sunday, followed by a specially edited version of the Fish-Man Island episode starting on October 27.
Earlier on Sunday, the official English Youtube The franchise channel has aired a new promotional video a fan letter The special will air on October 20th. Osaki sapiensof one piece Novel “Mugihara Monogatari” “The Story of Straw Hat” short story collection, celebrating the 25th anniversary of animation.
One Piece movie red“Star Wars” is the 15th and latest film in the series and will be released in August 2022. From then until the film’s last day of encore screenings in November 2023, the film’s box office total in Japan was 20.33 billion yen (approximately $137 million). The film is the sixth-highest-grossing Japanese film of all time (not adjusted for inflation) and the fourth-highest-grossing animated film in Japan.
The film has become the best-selling and highest-grossing film in the series, both in terms of ticket sales and box office revenue. The film topped the 2022 Japanese box office charts in terms of yen revenue and ticket sales.
Live-action Season 2 one piece Currently under development, as is One Piece Animation remake in Wit Studio for Netflix.
source: One Piece movie red broadcast