April, Nintendo officially shuts down 3DS online servers. However, some players did not log out, but continued to stay on the server to keep the server functioning normally. However, nearly four months later, it seems that only one person remains. They are now the last people still playing 3DS online in 2024.
In January, Nintendo officially announced its plans The 3DS and Wii U online servers are shutting down at 7pm ET on April 8th. Many people are not happy about this because it means that online games will become almost unplayable, but this does not stop it. mario Manufacturers cannot kill servers as planned. But some WiiU players still persisted, Known as “Crazy 8”. They ended up breaking the old record set by the player Exit failed Halo 2 When the OG Xbox network went down, even these die-hard gamers and other 3DS laggards were disconnected due to technical issues. Now there’s only one left, the only 3DS user still playing Mario Kart 7 Online.
In a recent large-scale interview gaming radarFishguy6564 talks about his refusal to let the 3DS servers officially die. He told the outlet that at first, he wasn’t even sure if he and others would be able to stay once Nintendo hit the kill switch.
“I don’t think we’ll even survive the initial shutdown,” said Fishguy6564. But once the server “frozen”, he realized he was not disconnected and all the bots in the server were running. Mario Kart 7 They were still running around the track “as if nothing had happened.” Now, he says it’s just a test “to see how long he can last.”
Fishguy6564 told the outlet that to ensure he is always connected and his 3DS is always online, He installed an uninterruptible power supply Go to the handheld console and hide it “in a cupboard where no one can touch it.”
While his internet connection might go down, or his 3DS might freeze at multiple points of failure, Fishguy6564 says that if all goes well, he can “keep going forever.” However, he did admit that eventually “there comes a point where I think it’s appropriate to ship out the service on my own terms.” When that happens, he’ll decide when to officially kill off 3DS Online for good.