Halloween is almost here, which means costumes are getting the final touches and people are probably busy browsing their catalogs fear game and Movie. If I may, I’d like to make one more suggestion to add to the pile, and it’s a short one with a very scary vibe. what i said is Return of Obra Dinnmy favorite mystery game and one of the most compelling detective stories I’ve ever experienced.
You see, Halloween scares me as much as anyone else, but the mystery in the air also piques my interest in the occult. clue For some reason this is one of my favorite movies Obradin What it lacks in mansions filled with weirdos and Tim Curry, it certainly makes up for it with strong visuals and a slowly unfolding sense of dread. It cleverly creates a cursed ship, missing crew, and unwitting insurance investigators to unravel a compelling mystery. Return of Obra Dinn The discounted price is $13.39 on Steam, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch until November 1st. This is a game best spent curling up under a blanket in the dark for a few nights, which makes it the perfect game to enjoy as Halloween approaches.
exist Obradinyou play an investigator sent to solve the mystery of the titular ship, which unceremoniously shows up in port after being thought missing. Except when it appears in port, the Obradin misses every one of its crew and shows signs of going through hell to get there. Armed with a ledger that records everyone on board, you begin poking at the bodies on board to discover the fate of everyone on board, as well as the fate of the missing cargo.
To help piece things together, you’ll need to use a pocket watch, called the “Memento Mortem” in the game. Upon opening, the world is enveloped by the void within the watch, transporting players to the moment of the corpse’s death. These frozen scenes account for most of Obradinwhich is also a key factor in how cool this game is. Once you’re invested, these well-crafted scenes welcome you as you begin to connect names to faces with some dialogue and situational awareness. The game is one big logic puzzle where you’re really just trying to deduce who died and how, but when you piece it all together a much larger mystery and story unfolds that’s nothing short of epic.

Words can’t express the joy I get from it only That. At first, everyone except the captain is a mystery to you, nothing more than a name in a book. But over the course of the story, certain characters gradually emerge as more than just crew members. Even if they are not the main focus of the scene, there are a lot of them Obradin They operate largely behind the scenes, and studying them and their motivations is as compelling as the central mystery. Sometimes, the two are even intrinsically linked, and being extra diligent can pay off, especially when it comes to breakthroughs late in the game. I spent the entire holiday laughing at the actions of some of the characters and cheering for the breakthroughs that some of the people I watched closely made.
Like it’s been a very weird year Lorelai and Laser Eyes, Obradin is a giant puzzle box that tells the story of a swashbuckling tragedy in riveting style. Obradin is a fully 3D game that invites you to walk around an abandoned ship, but it’s presented in 1-bit style graphics. Monochrome style of old PC games in Obradina unique look that brings a retro feel to an otherwise edgy-looking game.
If you’re looking for a game that blends classic and modern adventure gameplay into a clean and stylish package, you can’t go wrong The return of Obra Dinn. It has a simple but exciting premise and it doesn’t take long before it grows on you. It can feel like a daunting task to figure out who’s who on such a large ship, but once you get to know a few of the characters, the game really comes to life and before you know it, you’ll have it Shred. My advice: try as much as you can over the course of a week. Give yourself some time and space to contemplate the faces and words of these mysterious crew members and truly live aboard the Obra Dinn. By the time you finish, you almost wish you could have boarded this final, cursed voyage.