Welcome to this week’s roundup of The Beat comics crowdfunding! Join us for a tour of a first-of-its-kind bookstore, queer anthologies across genres, and new perspectives on fairy tales in a sci-fi setting!
non-dualist bookstore
Creator: non-dualism book bike
Target: $100,000
End date: October 31
nice one: Support it because you believe in the project for just $10, a sticker pack and book stamps for $25, a tote bag and bookmarks for $50, or at a higher level, get a t-shirt and multi-tool kit for $75, and more many!
Nonbinary Book Bikes is growing! Join us as we expand into a brick-and-mortar queer bookstore.
surprise! As you’ll notice, this project isn’t necessarily focused on comics, instead we’re looking at one of the best things about Brooklyn, non-binary book bikes. The Book Bike has been running for two years and was founded to provide representation of queer stories for people of all ages. Now they’re hoping the community will help them build a permanent home. Their entire inventory will be completely queer, making their bookstore the first of its kind in Brooklyn. Their goal is to provide a year-round space for their community and continue the amazing work they started through pop-up events and empower queer and trans people of all ages, especially during times of scrutiny. The motto of the book “Bicycle” sums it up: Everyone deserves to see themselves on the shelves. Help them achieve this goal.
Become a supporter here.
Young People in Love: The New Romance
Creators: Joe Glass (Editor) Matt Miner (Editor)
Target: $25,000
End date: October 30
nice one: The digital edition is available for $12, the digital 2-pack (two volumes) is available for $20, the Kickstarter exclusive paperback edition is available for $25, and the higher level digital super bundle is available for $30, both covers included new romance $40!
The Ringo Award and GLAAD Media Award-winning anthology returns. New story, new romance!
young people in love is a 160-page anthology for teens with one focus: celebrating queer love. This is a great program that aims to provide high-quality graphic novels and stories that are not limited to a single genre such as science fiction, fantasy, slice-of-life, historical fiction, or even superheroes. With over 23 different creators working on different stories, YMIL aims to be one of the best anthology series on Kickstarter. If our words weren’t enough, their past awards releases include GLAAD Media Awards, Ringo Awards, Gayming Mag Awards, and they were even nominated for a Dwayne Mcduffie Comics Diversity Award. On behalf of The Beat, don’t miss this project!
Become a supporter here.
Boys #1-3
Creator: Nandor Fox Schaeffer (Creator/Writer), Jay Mazar (artist), Washington Hopkins University (writer)
Target: $4,500
End date: October 30
nice one: The PDF version is $5, the paper version is $10, the cover editions are $15, $20, and $25, and the higher grade paper copies #1-3 are $30!
In this heart-pounding third installment, Monarch Weeper outnumbers the Sadist 6 debut!
Man Child is part of a six-episode limited series, with two projects already in the works and now a third. Fans made their stance clear by raising more than $2,000 of the $4,500 campaign through crowdfunding. The story follows two different timelines, with the word “boy” at the forefront of the entire experience in an alternating story. We at The Beat love this project and you’d be remiss if you didn’t check it out!
Become a supporter here.
wish upon a star
Creator: Paul Carroll (Editor) and Gary Moloney (edit)
Target: $16,470
End date: October 20
nice one: The digital version is priced at $6, the physical version is priced at $15, the “D&D 5e” supplement is priced at $22, the sticker set is priced at $24, and the higher-level set is priced at $55, which can make all your wishes for the stars come true.
A collection of 22 4-page comics published by Limit Break Comics that reimagines fairy tales through the lens of science fiction
The project consists of 22 different short stories from creators around the world, making the project a total of 88 pages. That’s already a huge plus, but seeing fans show their support by raising over $5,000 for the project shows that it has the potential to become a reality. For good reason, as the project features recaps Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Three Little Pigs There is more. With some fantastic art, a team of over 20 different creators, and some well-known stories, Wish Upon a Star is a story you don’t want to miss.
Become a supporter here.
X-Men Art by Andy Kubert
Creator: basic order
Target: $19,970
End date: October 17
nice one: The physical copy is priced at $65, with the dust jacket priced at $75, and the slipcase priced at $125.
Celebrating decades of Andy Kubert’s mutant work
The past few months have been marked by X-Men 97 craze and a new beginning for the X-Men comics. That’s why The Beat would be wrong not to mention one of the most influential comics artists of our time in his latest project: Marvel X-Men Art by Andy Kubert. If you’re a fan of the X-Men and some extraordinary art, be sure to check out this project!
Become a supporter here.
Savage Street Vigilante
Creator: Jim Mahford (Creator/Artist)
Target: $7,500
End date: October 31
nice one:
New 48-page creator-owned superhero parody comic by Jim Mahfood
Mahfood is well known in the comics world, so it’s no surprise that this over-the-top, R-rated, destructive sense of art comes from their minds. The project is a comic parody of a superhero, so which superhero? Check out the project because you’ll know right away and that’s part of the reason we want more. Another reason is that Mahfood’s work is so good, it’s like a chaotic journey into violence that The Beat can never get enough of. Be sure to check out this project!
Become a supporter here.
Missed our previous comics crowdfunding roundup? Check out the archive here!