In the past few years, Pilione Disturbing anthropomorphic bananahas become fort nightA de facto mascot. we are here my city Don’t like that. This creepy bastard keeps coming back, even after death. So we’re all happy to know fort night Finally peeled off Pili’s skin. This bastard deserves it.
Since 2019we’ve made our thoughts on Peely very clear. There are previous ones here my city Editor Riley MacLeod’s thoughts on Peeley when she first debuted:
fort night Known for some wild animal skins, but this was beyond the scope. Look at Pilina’s incredibly muscular arms and legs. Sure, it’s running, jumping, and doing other Fortress Heroes athletic activities, but I don’t need food I hate to be such a fan.
Pili should have diedbut he always comes back in more disturbing and terrifying ways, like that Recent Lego sets have had some of his flesh removed. Thankfully, horror icon Leatherface comes to the rescue, apparently skinning Pili and turning him into some disturbing cosmetics.
As part of our ongoing Halloween campaign fort nightLeatherface comes from Texas Chainsaw Massacre Already added to the game. You can’t afford that grotesque murderer just yet, but that doesn’t stop it data prospector mining and came up with an early look at the character and his makeup. Here we find two different skinned versions of Pilly.
One features Pili’s face stretched out on a wooden frame that players can wear as a creepy backpack. Another item is a weapon skin, showing more of Pili’s banana skin peeled off and affixed to some wood. Both of these fates would seem terrible to anyone, but in this case, I’m not too sad. Pili, the nightmare we are cursed to endure, deserves all this and more. To hell with this, Pili, this is where you originally came from.