Netflix A new stop-motion animation series has been announced starring two of Sanrio’s most popular characters: My Melody and Kuromi. The series of works is titled My melody and dark beauty, will premiere worldwide in July and celebrate the characters’ milestone anniversaries – My Melody’s 50th and Kuromi’s 20th.
Tomoki Misato,director molka chicken, The man at the helm of the series expressed his excitement, saying: “I am delighted to announce this project in an important year that marks the 50th anniversary of My Melody and the 20th anniversary of Kuromi. This major project inspires us all to work together to tackle all kinds of challenges.” Challenge, and push the envelope with stop-motion animation. I hope everyone will enjoy this exciting story set in our handcrafted Maryland, thrilling action that pushes the limits of stop-motion animation, and of course, lovable and vibrant characters.
Side by side with award-winning playwright Misato Fundamental Zhouzi Wrote the script. Nene shared: “Due to the epidemic, I was unable to meet with the director or producer Miri in person. But we connected remotely every week and carefully constructed this together. This project is full of enthusiasm for the world of “My Melody” Love, loved by people of all ages. I believe everyone, from adults to children, will have favorite scenes and lines.
The project marks the first time pipelinea branch Werther Studioknown for producing hit animations Spy x family. Toruku launched its first stop-motion animated series through this collaboration.
My melody and black beauty It will premiere on Netflix in July 2025.
Source: Variety Show