Niantic and Capcom have announced plans to prepare players for Teostra’s arrival in mid-August. If you haven’t been keeping up with gaming lately, monster hunter now (Free) There are many programs to help people play with people around the world through Dimensional Link and more. Today, both companies announced Water Elemental quests, in which monsters drop parts to help craft more Water Elemental gear. These events will begin on August 5 and run until August 11, with the presence of Aquatica and Coral Pukei-Pukei in forest and swamp habitats, as well as an increase in Jyuratodus in swamp habitats. Killing Shuichang, Coral Pukepuki, Water Dragon or Big Tiger will reward 50% more materials. Complete the event to get Wyvern Gem Fragments and Water Changing Plate.
Limited-time item packs are also sold in the game. Details here. If you haven’t played it monster hunter now Recently or planning to start playing, I’ve compiled tips and tricks for the game, details on weapons, special abilities, current monster lists, my wish list for monsters in future updates, and more. you can grab monster hunter now The App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android are both here. In-app purchases include different gem sets and upgrades. Check out the official website here. What are your thoughts on the current state of gaming?