does not match
writer: Anne Camlin
artist: Isadora Zefferino
Colorist: Jesse Lome
Writer: Rob Steen
edit: Andrea Colvin
Publisher: A small amount of brown ink
Publication date: September 3, 2024
Two centuries have passed Jane Austen’s Emma was first published, but its sense of comedy has made it a classic that is still loved today. Now one of its many adaptations is does not matcha modern, queer, and vivid retelling of the story of teenage social media star Evan Horowitz and his horrific matchmaking skills.
Although thousands of fans enjoy Evan’s iconic #LOTD (Photo of the Day) posts and he is president of the High School Gender and Sexuality Alliance, his popularity isn’t necessarily indicative of his personality. He is often selfish and mean, and the only person who would accuse him is his best friend and next-door neighbor David. Still, Evan believes he has a sacred duty to play Cupid for his sister and his friends, until all his carefully crafted matchmaking plans go awry, forcing him to rethink his entire romantic path.
does not match is a delightful romantic comedy that reads like a movie, and the author’s dialogue is fast and funny Anne Camlin and character-focused panels with simple backgrounds by the artist Isadora Zefferino. Facial expressions and body language reveal the true meaning behind the character’s words, and the tension builds as Evan becomes increasingly aware of his own thoughts. have no idea What is he doing or who is he hurting in the process.
The story has many romantic mysteries, each with its own clues. Solving each problem is incredibly satisfying because everyone seems to be hiding something. The intensity of the risks varied, but there was a general lack of communication before things came to a head. A plot that fails to communicate could easily fail if the creators drag it out too long, but that doesn’t happen here. Kamrin and Zefferino offer glowing praise in their acknowledgments to the editors Andrea Colvin It’s implied that she plays a role in the story’s smooth execution of an often irritating trope, and for that, I’m grateful.
Honestly, the whole does not match The creative team shines positively. colorist Jesse Lome Bringing everything to life with her signature, bright color palette and lettering Rob Steen Excellently balanced text so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. I appreciate how the highlights and shadows emphasize the characters’ emotions, and how the app-based text feels natural on the page. I love seeing social media and digital communication used effectively in graphic novels, and it’s done beautifully here.
Really, my only complaint does not match I have the same complaint Emma… In order to keep this review spoiler-free, I will say that I appreciate the slow-burning romance that pays off and wish this one had more room to breathe. Evan realizes his true feelings charming. I wanted to go through this realization with him and attend a few more panels.
Final verdict: purchase