atlas Animated trailer begins, including “A New Beginning” cutscene Metaphor: ReFantazio, atlas and studio zeroWednesday, the first full-scale fantasy role-playing game. The trailer, which debuted during an 18-minute livestream of the game on Tuesday, introduces players to various allies and opponents.
The game will be game console 4. game console 5. Xbox Series X|S and PC passed steam October 11th.
Collector’s Edition includes steel book, soundtrack, art book, Homo Tenta metal pin, stickers, cloth map of the Kingdom of Euchronia, costumes and battles Background music Set up DLC coupons, atlas 35th anniversary digital history book, complete with soundtrack, and pre-order bonus coupons for usable in-game items.
this atlas A branded 35th anniversary edition of the game will be released in Japan, including a premium art book, special soundtrack, atlas 35th Anniversary Digital History Book with soundtrack, acrylic stand, premium stickers and DLC costumes Background music set.
A digital version of this set will also be available along with a digital version of the bonus items.
Customers who pre-order the game will receive in-game bonus items available in the Archetype EXP Chest Set and Adventurer’s Journey Pack.
atlas Describe the game:
Step into a fantasy world like never before, write your destiny and transcend your fears. This kingdom is filled with disturbing mysteries and stands on the edge of a cliff. Now you must embark on a journey, overcome obstacles and connect with friends.
studio zero Game is being developed. Hashino Katsura (Persona 5) is directing the game. The game also has other features Persona 5 Character designers and other staff Shigemanori Soejima and composer Shoji Meguro.
source: atlas west Youtube channel