The idea is Mecha Anime is a “dead genre” is an oft-repeated but proven false fallacy. New seasons of media regularly bring in fresh contestants, often flying under the radar compared to any irregular production Gundam Entry was last seen. Maybe MechaA stubbornly niche reputation in Western anime has resulted in its fanbase and discussion being less visible among English speakers. This might explain why Megaton Musashilevel 5 and OLMThe massive original robot series initially skipped simulcasts in October 2021 and only recently crunchy (The entire second season was immediately and unceremoniously deleted). Or maybe it’s because the anime ostensibly exists as a tie-in to its video game franchisewhich only barely received an English translation earlier this year.
no matter what the reason Megaton MusashiDelayed arrival in the West, anything new? Mecha The series should cause fans of the genre to celebrate. Fans of simple, robot-smashing action might consider this an easy time to get into, a simple-looking party of kids piloting themed robots whose video game versions even share cameos with classics such as Star space. Invincible Iron King Kong, Getterbotand V turn (This year for V turn). The audience can be forgiven for thinking Megaton MusashiHis only ambition is to show up, take down some bad guys, and then strike again. However, as early as the first episode, it was clear that the writer/director Hino Akihiro His goals were set…higher.
Mentioning Hino’s name in this context might raise some eyebrows, as while overseeing Level-5’s various outputs, he also spearheaded much-maligned storytelling. Gundam AGE. So it might be a little traumatic to see him leading an ambitious company again. Mecha Japanese cartoons. In this context Megaton MusashiIn the first season, this ambition mainly manifests itself in the sheer quantity Plot points that make up its story of high school students fighting robots. Simply fending off an alien invasion isn’t enough; the conflict Yamato and company are embroiled in involves all-out, Truman Show-style artificial city intrigue, body-shaped invaders, surprising robots, and of course new humans. Roughly every episode of season 1 introduced at least a new twist on a concept that felt similar to how airplane! Telling a Joke – Not interested in the idea that a seemingly harmless schoolgirl is actually the leader of a violent street gang? Don’t worry, because next up is a kid who turns out to be a secret robot.
When a show throws plot spaghetti against the wall, the resulting roller coaster ride can be fun to watch in the moment. Many of the plot twists are effectively structured so that they reward viewers who follow what is set out. For example, once the first episode explains that the human resistance has the technology to erase and implant memories, viewers can begin to speculate that the concept might involve denser, darker territory. The series reflects this in places. In other ways, however, large amounts of written content often result in elements crowding out one another. Characters like Asuna, who are technically central to the plot but somehow mechanically facilitate the interaction between Yamato and Arshem, are effectively forgotten for several episodes at a time. A key plot twist late in the series fails completely as the character at the center of its reveal is barely seen.
All these questions have nothing to do with some Megaton MusashiAs the first season reaches its climax, the plot begins to feel overcompensated. The series’ origin story has dark elements and highlights some serious themes. However, things still fit in with its teen-centric tone, Nagano Takuzo Character design is at home at level 5 Inazuma Eleven and yo-kai watch. It’s only towards the end that bodies start hitting the floor, and illegal age-gap interspecies sex is dropped as a late-game surprise. It culminates in a season finale plot twist that I think should be a shocking set-up. Still, like all the other undercooked elements that have propelled the adventure thus far, it’s mostly been considered laughable.
True, Season 1 Megaton Musashi Very clearly designed to be “Part One” and then a premeditated Season Two. So the dissonance of this dramatic flirtation might come together meaningfully in the story’s proper ending. But so far, there’s not much reason to believe that. This series will be a standard alien invasion story, hollow at its core, without all the psychic powers, robots, and space beasts. Less time to focus on each plot twist concept means less time to think about what they might mean thematically. The anime makes it its mission to advocate for peace, following one species’ desperate colonization of another’s homeland and the violent consequences of the confrontation. However, this article is not well written to meaningfully analyze the complexity and moral ambiguity of this setting. Instead, it’s forced to accept a basic “war is bad” cliché, fueled by a few main stooges deciding they want to kiss each other.
Now, if the main attraction, which is all the different ingredients in this no-bake concept casserole, might not be that important Mecha The battle is enough to motivate the entire series. There’s been more chaos and sillier stories behind their actions before – and you’re dealing with a cyborg gear They are fans after all. although Megaton Musashiconfusion in Mecha uncertain badthey are very just…There. It’s not that they’re entirely CGI-generated, as that works and the resulting robots move smoothly enough. Regardless, it’s better than traditional animation with stiff, clunky characters. However, due to the nature of the plot, most of the robot battles take place in completely different environments than those the characters themselves often inhabit. Pilots rarely do anything around the plane Mecha Except sitting inside them, cut off from the war zone they were navigating. It creates a dramatic disconnect in the story. Environmental protection line have It was finally broken at the end of season 1, so maybe it’s an oddity to be made up for in the following seasons.
despite this, Mecha Fighting never achieved the consistent level of hype and energy that audiences hoped would carry the project. There are some over-the-top set-up moments, but the final punchline is a perfunctory battle set-up. Like many characters who are unceremoniously thrown into the mix after their defining plot twists have been glossed over, it’s not long before the details of the battle itself start to get hazy. Maybe it will work better when you play these instances in a video game.
of raw energy Megaton Musashi‘s ups and downs mean it has at least settled down wonderful Balance – Whatever balance looks like for an animation like this. If you remember hearing about this series a few years ago but forgot about it until now, it might still be worth giving it a watch to see how much more there is going on beyond that initial first impression. But everything it throws away seems to prioritize quantity over quality, leaving behind some points that are too small and shallow to latch on to for long, from a story perspective. Megaton Musashi A curiosity at this point in the story, the fragile beginning of a series doesn’t mean a return to form or revitalization Mecha A genre that never really left.