Max has confirmed its adult-themed Scooby-Doo animated series Velma Has been cancelled. The news comes after background artist Davey Cummings wrote in a now-deleted post on Instagram: “There won’t be a season 3, but I hope one day I can work with him again These are amazing talented people working together.
Marks said in a statement: “Over the past two seasons, Mindy [Kaling] and charlie [Grandy] Creates an incredibly interesting and fresh world in the iconic detective novel series.
“While we won’t be moving forward with another season of the series, we’re grateful for their compelling coming-of-age stories, unparalleled leads and hilarious hijinks.”
I think it’s safe to say this series won’t be missed.
Velma tells the origin story of Velma Dinkley, the unknown and underappreciated brains of the Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. gang. The comedy aspect of the series is completely bland. There’s really nothing funny about this.