This will undoubtedly be disturbing, and I would say, “Hear me out,” but I know a lot of people won’t. To be clear: Garrus is one of the best characters in the game mass effect series, but he is also one of the most unbalanced characters in the trilogy.
First and foremost, the Turian vigilante is one of the most charming, memorable, and lovable characters in BioWare video games. when we arrive mass effect 3he’s Shepard’s best brother, a solid shoulder to lean on, and his romance with FemShep is filled with silly and heartfelt scenes that are some of the best BioWare has ever produced. However, it took a while for Garrus to become a character that everyone remembers. in the original work mass effecthe is the least active of all the party members, which is really meant to push him to become one type of cop or another.
mass effect 2 Of course, he’s more of a defined character and you get to see glimpses of the charming hero we all know and love, and while it almost repeats that arc by having him become a vigilante, you can see him as Be a paragon or a traitor, thus drawing a conclusion. On top of that, his romance is undoubtedly the most superficial. mass effect 2mostly just a bunch of hints and talk about “letting off steam,” while the stakes are high enough to have an emotionally vulnerable moment with your longtime teammate.
once we arrive mass effect 3neither change, he kind of settled into a version of himself, but then the guy got some mass effect 3Best writing and lovely romance. When you get that “no Vakarian, no Shepard” conversation at the end, it’s an amazing, well-deserved culmination of a trilogy-long friendship. every mass effect The game feels like it’s almost here, so it’s about time mass effect 3 Truly created an incredible character that everyone remembers him for and most have a brotherly love for him. But the meandering repetition of the first two games keeps him from rising higher in the rankings in my opinion.
Yeah, yeah, there’s some tomatoes here to throw at me.