Marvel’s bladeFirst announced in 2019, it has been delayed again. A reboot of the franchise is expected to be released in 2025, bringing Daywalker and Vampire Slayer into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but no release date has been confirmed yet.
October 22, It is reported deadlineDisney and Marvel removed long-awaited blade Reboot from the schedule of upcoming movies. The plan is to blade It will be released on November 7, 2025. Predator: Badlands Already occupied that position blade There is no longer a release date at all. This is just the latest hurdle for the comic book movie since its release Announced five years ago at San Diego Comic-Con 2019.
In February 2021, Stacy Osei-Kuffour was hired to write the film and Bassam Tariq was hired to direct. However, Tariq leaves blade September 2022 due to scheduling issues and creative differences. As a result, Marvel hired Yann Demange to direct the film in November 2022 and Michael Starrbury to rewrite the script. Michael Green was then hired in November 2023 to write a new script. Demange quits blade June 2024 As another writer involved in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe Fantastic Four Movie, Eric Pearsonwas brought in for more rewriting. Production has also been delayed due to the covid-19 pandemic and the 2023 writers’ strike.
After experiencing all the turmoil behind the scenes, blade Mahershala Ali will return to play the vampire slayer after Wesley Snipes played Blade in New Line Cinema’s trilogy of films. However, there are reports that Ali is understandably upset about the delay, and I’d be willing to bet that he’s not happy about the recent push that pushed the film back to 2025.
As Marvel controls production and reduces the output of Marvel movies and TV shows each year, I hope the company takes the time to ensure blade Well worth the wait. But I also worried that having so many people involved might cause it to feel less like a cohesive film and more like a series of dissonant scenes clumsily stitched together.