Marvel Rivals is the hottest new thing in hero shooters. Moreover, it also introduces more than 30 popular characters from the Marvel Universe. While it’s important to take the time to try out each character to find the one that suits you best, they all have different skill caps to consider. So if you’re new to the game (or even hero shooters in general), here are three characters that are easy to pick up and play.
squirrel girl

Squirrel Girl is one of them Marvel RivalsThe most powerful character. She’s arguably the easiest to play. She uses her slingshot to launch nuts at enemies, who have very low accuracy as they can bounce off the ground or walls and still hit anyone nearby. Additionally, each nut deals significant damage, meaning you can kill a squishy character in about three shots.
The rest of her kit is also very easy to follow. She has a large acorn that she can throw to stun enemies, can quickly reload acorns, and can perform an excellent vertical jump to help aim shots below or reposition to a higher position. Her ultimate ability can even send out a swarm of squirrels to defeat your enemies. So crazy!

Star-Lord is the smart-aleck leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy and a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel Rivals‘Best for newcomers. He’s fast and deadly thanks to a set of gear that gives him equal parts mobility and damage. You can use his various movement-based abilities to dash towards and get behind enemies, then unleash his dual-wielding guns to chip away at their health.
If you find yourself in a firefight, you can use an AOE (area of effect) attack, which will do some damage to everyone around you. Meanwhile, his ultimate ability lets you fly above the din below, so you can lock onto your opponents and have your bullets track them for guaranteed punishment. However, you need to note that as Star-Lord you have relatively low health, but the rest is a piece of cake.

The Punisher is the most standard shooter character in the game, incorporating popular elements special attack The characters “Soldier 76” and “Fortress” work very well. This makes him a perfect choice if you come from a game like this call of Duty. He has a simple equipment set focused on automatic rifles and shotguns, making him powerful at any range. He can even use smoke grenades to cover his tracks when repositioning when necessary, or use his ultimate ability to gain access to a Gatling gun and missiles to eliminate everyone in his path.
Perhaps his most notable trait, however, is his ability to set up and operate a fixed turret, allowing him to wail down bad guys with deadly covering fire, making the Punisher a top choice for suppressing areas with tanks. With so many features available while retaining a simple gameplay style, Punisher is definitely the best choice for those looking for a traditional shooter.
Marvel Rivals Available as a free-to-play game on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows.