On the panel of Spider-Man and his malignant friends, editor Nick Lowe and writer Joe Kelly debut the new The Amazing Spider-Man “Eight Deaths of Spider-Man” trailer. Written by Joe Kelly and drawn by Ed McGuinness, the comic is a 10-part saga that will begin with The Amazing Spider-Man #61 on November 13 this year.
The series will begin afterBlood Hunt The story will be set in the new Doom universe, where Doom is now the Sorcerer Supreme after recent events. Doom’s mission is to spend his time preventing the world from ending at the hands of the evil god and his spawn, though in this case, he chooses to have the most selfless of Marvel superheroes do it for him and delegate this duty To Spider-Man. Who would have a magic suit that could give Peter eight more lives – but will it be enough?
Check out the official press release and trailer video below.
Fresh off the Marvel Comics: Spider-Man and His Vicious Friends panel at New York Comic Con, executive editor Nick Lowe and writer Joe Kelly debuted the new The Amazing Spider-Man “Eight Deaths of Spider-Man” trailer film, including the best-ever Spider-Man trailer. The 10-part saga, written by Joe Kelly and drawn by Ed McGuinness, will begin on November 13 with The Amazing Spider-Man #61.
The following Blood HuntThe Marvel Universe has undergone tremendous changes! Doctor Doom is the Sorcerer Supreme, but he doesn’t intend to spend his time like his predecessor… Every year, Doctor Strange uses every ounce of his power and experience to save the world from the evil god and his spawn. This year, Doom is entrusting that task to…Spider-Man? To fulfill his mission, the Latvian leader gives Spider-Man a new magically powered suit and eight extra lives! True believers, they can’t get enough… The new trailer highlights the abilities of Spider-Man’s new suit and reveals the mysterious origins of this powerful mystical undertaking that will cause Spider-Man to die and be reborn again and again!
The Amazing Spider-Man #61 – 75960620200306111
Written by Joe Kelly
Cover provided by ED MCGUINESS
On sale 11/13