Here’s some exciting Marvel casting news! Marvel Studios is about to return James Spader Play as Ultron in an upcoming game imagine series!
Spade is great in the role of Ultron, so it’s cool to know that he’ll be voicing the evil artificially intelligent robot again in the new story. He originally played the character in Marvel’s 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Spade joins Paul Bettanyhe will reprise his role as Vision, a robot who forms a strong bond with Scully Witch before being destroyed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.
There is a very interesting story set up for Vision in the MCU. After being killed by Thanos Avengers: Infinity Warhe came back for Wanda Vision There are two forms.
Vision is a spectral creation by Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olson) Through her grief, he was also reconstructed into a white robot appearance with zero memory of his past life.
to the end of the year Wanda VisionAfter the two Visions battled, Wanda’s version of Vision handed over his memories to the new white version, and then he flew away. This new series will explore what happened to Vision after these events.
The series doesn’t have an official name yet, but is being called Vision Quest. It will explore white vision’s search for new purpose in life. It will be cool to see how Ultron ends up fitting into the story and his relationship with Vision.
Ultron was a sentient creature created by Tony Stark to serve as a defense program, but ended up becoming anti-human. Ultron then created his own sentient being, Vision, to help destroy humanity. However, this didn’t go as planned and he ended up helping the Avengers defeat Ultron.
This series is under development Star Wars: Picard executive producer Terry Sharp will serve as showrunner on the project.
How do you think Ultra will be used in the story?
Source: THR