Just in time for the Toy Show, Marmals is releasing a batch of new modular magnetic wonders – now mini-sized.
The name of these smaller, customizable magnet characters is Mimimals, which retains the kids’ love for the original Marmals and refocus on creating character-driven stories. Although they are small, each of the smallest will find a big personality for the consumer! These stylish collections will seamlessly combine with any existing Marmal toys and accessories for a creative and ever-changing experience that you play with like kids.
Retailers can preview new product lines at the Toy Fair. It will be officially released in the second quarter of this year.
In addition to the release, Marmals will also update its packaging to complement the climax of the toys, stylish brand. A stylish, minimalist design first displays the toys, not the box. Amid the colorful loud toy shelves, it will stand out to children and collectors.
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Toy Fair visitors can view these amazing mini characters at the booth at 5839b.
Marmals Post mocked the new minimal magnetic number at the Toy Fair, first appearing in the Toy Book.