With less than a month until the U.S. presidential election, several comic book creators have launched online anthologies Stop 2025 projectdesigned to educate voters about Republican candidates Donald TrumpHe should be reelected this November. The cartoon is based on the conservative Heritage Foundation Leadership mandate 2025: The Conservative Party’s promisewhich outlines what they would like Trump to enact if he returns to the White House.
Contributors to this book include:
![Stop 2025 project cover](https://www.comicsbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Stop-Project-2025-668x1028.jpg)
Karim Ahmed
I have Che Anderson
Alejandro Abona
Andrew Aydin and Josh Rokin
brandt and stein
zander gun
comic world
Dennis Cowan
Valentin de Landero
Scott Dunbier
Kieron Dwyer
jarrell god
Cheryl Lynn Eaton
Ben Fisher
matt score
Gene Ha
Cooley Hamner
Mike Henderson
Jay Hossler
Sean Lee
Steve Deere
Lauren McCubbin
Ibrahim Mustafa
Evan Narcisse
Jim Ottaviani
Greg Parker
Jeff Parker
Joe Phillips
Tobias Quick
Greg Rucka
Mark Russell
Chris Riel
Sarah Ryan
Jennifer Smith
Lila Sturges
Zoe Tunnell
Jan van Meter
Rick Veitch
Shannon Wheeler
Other contributors to the book declined to be named: “We respect and protect their privacy, and are grateful for their anonymous contributions,” the official website says. It can be read as a single PDF file, or through the homepage as a text about anti-transgender discrimination, Read separate pages (with transcripts) on climate change, health care, immigration, teachers unions, and more.
As noted in the introduction, “Trump claimed that [Project 2025]. [But] He is lying. If elected, Trump’s lack of self-discipline and unfathomable self-absorption means those around him will be free to shape the agenda of Project 2025. So we created a cartoon to explain some of these agendas and get you to vote against them. We do this because you are not supposed to read this monster. After all, it’s more than fifty times longer than the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution… combined. Our two founding documents were short because it didn’t take many words to say “you matter and you have a voice.” Project 2025 is longer because it is a detailed plan to shut you up and shut you out. Don’t let it do that either. Please read on and then cast your vote.
You can register to vote here. As of this writing, registration has ended in several states, so be sure to register as soon as possible.