Magnetic Press is a small press industry focused on bringing some of the best European comics to the United States. It has long exceeded its weight on the Comic Awards Tour and has received many nominations and won its first victory in Best Publication Design last year. Dracula and Frankenstein go through George Bays. Last year, they celebrated their 10th anniversary, all under the founders and publishers Mike Kennedy, Its excellent taste in the comics has always guided the imprint.
Now, in more integrated news, Magnet will partner with ONI Press to create a strategic partnership that will be shared from the upcoming release this fall. It’s a team, and it makes sense because both publishers are owned by Pallement, which is owned by media companies Butler David II That also has lion exercise entertainment.
Magnetic titles will be released in partnership with ONI: Simon & Schuster’s Moon at the Moon, Diamond and Comic Store. Magneting’s upcoming title will also receive additional marketing, sales and manufacturing support from the ONI team.
“Oni and Magneting have been sister companies for over five years, and this new partnership really allows us to deliver the best of both worlds: Magneting’s world-class graphic novels and games, plus Oni’s strong presence in comics and bookstores.” Mike Kennedy. “We look forward to providing readers with a wider selection of engaging stories and artworks. The Magnetic Press will continue to advocate for its unique editorial vision while benefiting from ONI Press’s established distribution and marketing channels.”
“Seldom is the U.S. publisher that matches the outstanding lineup of international talent Mike Kennedy Bringed to English listeners under the magnetic news banner. As colleagues and fans, we have been strategically expanding its footprint to include crowdfunding and tabletop game plans over the past few years. ” Hunter Gorlingson. “Now, with Magnetic’s award-winning catalog reaching an exciting new champion in 2025, we are honored to expand their reach farther than ever and expand the expansion and support of some of the most beautifully packaged graphic novels in the industry today.”
Magnet was founded in 2014 after Kennedy left the ancients and quickly became the best early adapter for European comics to bring to the United States. Notable versions include Love: Tiger go through Brremaud and Bertolucci, Gaudi’s Ghost go through Juan Torres and Jesus Alonso,,,,, Jazz Maynard go through Roger and Ra,,,,, Carbon and silicon go through Mathieu baabletand border go through Guillaume Singelin. At this year’s Angoulême Festival, Lagning announced its exclusive landscape partnership with renowned French design studio 619. They also branched into role-playing games and tabletop games.
Some of the following release samples: