There are countless movies based on Frankenstein’s monster, and one centered on his bride is about to be released. Directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal, Warner Bros. has been pretty secretive about the film’s genre bride Yes, but according to actor (and Gyllenhaal’s husband) Peter Sarsgaard, it looks like the two monsters will star in a musical.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sarsgaard was asked about the experience of making the film. He was extremely optimistic about his time there and went into full wifey man mode, calling it “the best script I’ve ever read.” This is truly satisfying on many levels. What gave him such a high status? In his words, it’s a “big movie” for adults and teenagers, a crowd-pleaser that’s “sometimes violent and extremely romantic.” He went on to describe it as “punk” and said it would feature “a lot of dancing and stuff.” […] I couldn’t be happier with the way Warner Bros. supported Maggie in this movie.
Unlike most previous versions Frankenstein story, bride The story is set in 1930s Chicago and stars Jessie Buckley as the title character and Christian Bale as the monster. Sarsgaard didn’t reveal much, but he praised what the top pair brought to the production. He said the former journalist was an “extraordinary actor with such dedication. […] He couldn’t help but get involved. This is not an option, [or] A disguise. That’s just him. As for Buckley, he praised her as “the most abstract, spontaneous, free, and immediate actor you could ever work with.” bride The reason why it is so ambitious is because [it has] One of the best scripts ever written.
A big-budget musical Frankenstein This movie sounds like another fun, weird swing at the classic monsters of the past few years. Hope and Joker 2, Warner Bros. decides to go all-in on marketing bride As a musical, it will be released on September 26, 2025.
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