If numerous reports are to be believed, the Borderlands movie is expected to hit the streaming service as soon as this month.
The Borderlands movie will apparently be released on August 30th, presumably because it flopped at the box office, grossing just $14 million in its opening weekend. Lionsgate has yet to make any official announcement, but multiple websites (The Hollywood Handle, Screen Time, When to Stream) list August 30th as the expected arrival date.
The time between a movie’s release in theaters and its release on streaming has shortened significantly over the years, especially due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it’s unusual for this film to make the leap in such a short period of time. Borderlands was released on August 9th, meaning it made its streaming debut just 3 weeks after hitting screens.
For example, Despicable Me 4 was released in early June and is expected to be available at the end of this month. However, it also made a lot of money in movie theaters.
While this is just speculation, it’s likely that Borderlands launched so quickly due to its poor box office performance. Lionsgate may be hoping for more success on the streaming platform. Honestly, it might work. I can’t speak for anyone, but I’m a little morbidly curious to see if things are as bad as everyone thinks.
If nothing else, the Borderlands movie got me back into the game. I’m currently replaying Borderlands 3. Why not go check out my rankings for this series, where you can tell me exactly how bad my opinion is?