Marvel Comics Already announced Storm: life dreamone sound Specially designed to commemorate February’s Black History Month, as well as the 50th anniversary of the character’s first appearance in 1975 Giant X-Men #1. Contributors will include writers Angelique Rocher, Curtis Baxter, Britney Morrisand John Jenningsand artists Karen S. Dabo, Edwin Garmonand more will be confirmed later.
As intergalactic historians attempt to update the records of one of the most famous X-Men in the history of the multiverse, they will discover a woman who is too powerful to contain, and who may be unleashing a side of her never seen before! Experience a whirlwind journey through Storm’s most iconic era as an evil entity threatens to corrupt her legacy!
like everyone else Marvel’s voice Special Edition, the book’s creator lineup is all black. Roger is the creator of this technology Marvel’s voice podcast, and previously worked with Jennings on the Marvel History Book my superhero is black;Jennings also previously contributed to the company Silver Surfer: Ghostlight, Marvel Super Storyand this year’s Marvel Voices: Legends Special.
Curtis Baxter is an Afro-Caribbean animation and video game writer who made his Marvel Comics debut this year. Miles Morales: Spider-Man Chronicleswhile Britney Morris writes prose novels Spider-Man: Miles Morales-Wings of Furya prequel released in 2020 by Insomniac Games. Pencil drawing by Karen S. Darboe Lineage: Daughter of the Bladeand various other Marvel’s voice Comics, including comics from 2024 Avengers Unlimited Comicswhile Edwin Galmon produced covers primarily for Marvel; this would mark his first interior work for the publisher.
Storm: life dream #1 will be released on January 29, 2025, with main cover by Taurine Clarkand a variant Lucas Werneckthe artist behind Storm’s current ongoing solo series, which you can check out below. Meanwhile, the first two issues of her major solo series were produced by Mr. Ayodeleis now available digitally and in comic book stores, with the third issue due out on December 11.