Long story short: Buy the 2024 Guitar Lessons Training Bundle for just £11.69 – 96% discount valid until 4th August only.
Playing guitar may seem easy, but learning it can be a challenge. Trying to overcome it yourself is a great way to turn small mistakes into bad habits. Instead, try musician Dan Dresnok’s professional online guitar lessons. Priced at just £11.69, this set of online guitar lessons may strike a chord.
Enjoy 77 hours of guitar training available for life
This guitar pack starts from scratch, so don’t worry if you’re still learning the basics. There are lessons on everything from finger placement to ear training, but if you’re still new, you might want to jump into Guitar Lessons for Curious Guitarists. This 30-hour intro shows you how to name notes, find chords, solo, and play different patterns. It even has 10 guided guitar playing videos for practice.
Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can try an advanced lesson: Guitar Improvisation. There you can practice combining chords, rhythms, and more.
When you’re ready to play some real music, the lessons in this bundle show you the basics of blues, jazz, and other genres. There are even classes specifically focused on children’s songs.
Mastering the guitar may take some time, but don’t worry. All course materials are available for lifetime use. You decide how long you want to practice, whether you just want to play for a few minutes each day or just cram it in until you can really improvise.
Mix and match offer
You can access guitar lessons online
Don’t delay learning to play guitar just because you can’t find a good teacher. These online guitar lessons give you everything you need to master the instrument – except the guitar itself, of course.
Take advantage of the special price of £11.69 (originally £374.83) to get your Guitar Lesson Training Bundle.
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