Marvel Comics Already revealed Star Wars: The Legacy of Vadera new ongoing series by the writer Charles Soule and artist Luke Ross. Set after 2017 the last jedicomics will follow Adam DriverThe film’s villain, Kylo Ren, seeks to distract himself from his newfound loneliness after the events of the film by going on a pilgrimage to learn more about (you guessed it) his grandfather, Darth Vader. legacy.
After killing his master, Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo Ren is now the leader of the First Order, but recent events include his murder of his father and his defeat at the hands of Luke Skywalker , and a surprising connection to the mysterious Rey, forcing him to consider what it really means to be Vader’s heir. As Kylo pursues his dark mission to bring order to the galaxy, his madness sets him on a deadly path to discover the truth about his grandfather’s life. From mustafar to tattoos, these thrilling adventures bring Kylo face to face with his inner turmoil and his destiny!
Soule calls the series a must-read for fans of his previous works Star Wars work, said, “When fans talk to me [it]two of my Marvel comics appear most: my 2017 strip Darth Vader and Giuseppe Camuncoliand my 2019 series The Rise of Kylo Ren With Will Slaney. I think both of these work well, partly because they’re set in Star Wars The timeline is filled with unanswered questions about characters that audiences actually love.
Elaborating on the premise, he explained: “Kylo is really lost at this particular moment. In a very short period of time, he faces two of his most important mentors (one of whom is his uncle), killed his own father, nearly killed his mother, stole control of a galactic-level army that he didn’t know how he was going to use, and of course, with another force named Rey The user develops a deep connection. It all swirls around in his emotional matrix, making him extremely unstable, angry, depressed… dangerous. He’s looking for any kind of guidance – even if he won’t admit it – so he asks for help. The only thing he has left is the legacy of his grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
edit Mark Paniccia Adding: “Charles has wanted to tell these stories for some time, and we finally have the perfect opportunity. You’ll be shocked by the truths he’s about to reveal… You’ll never think you’ll get to learn from Kylo and Vader’s past See this stuff. Luke Ross takes his visual storytelling to the next level with incredible page design that ties in perfectly with Kylo’s dark and painful story.
Vader’s Legacy #1 will be released on February 5th, one month before Marvel launches other newly announced Star Wars Ongoing, prequel era Jedi Knight. Its debut will come five years after its release The rise of skywalkerthe sequel trilogy and the end of the Kylo Ren/Ben Solo story. The main cover of the first issue is Derek Zhouand variants Electromagnetic essentials, Karen S. Dabo, Ramon Rosanas, Annie Wuand John Jiang. You can check out Wu’s cover and interior preview below.