Find a girl to go to the shrine. Destroy all demons that stand in her way. Clear away the filth on the mountain and restore the natural harmony and brilliance of the earth. That is Kunitsujin: Path of the Goddess In short, one of my favorite things about it is that it barely strays from that humble, straightforward concept. In a sea of bloated sequels and creatively bankrupt knockoffs, Goddess Road is a fun, focused mashup of strategic planning and action games that doesn’t get lost in the details.
Produced by Capcom and released on July 19th for PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC, Goddess Road Combined with third-person action feel Ninja Gaiden Tower Defense Management is for those of you who hate when these words sound together. think gear warlikeHorde mode that replaces guns with swords and the classic PS2 sensibility Eye. One moment you’re assigning roles to your allies and ordering them around the battlefield, the next you’re frantically spamming combos trying to fend off a tanky enemy that’s about to murder everyone.
purchase Kunitsujin: Path of the Goddess: Best Buy | Humble Bundle
Based on Japanese folklore, Goddess Road Blending history and mythology to create a beautiful and engaging journey that feels like a series of poems being performed. You control Soh, a masked warrior who protects the young girl Yoshiro from an evil spirit called the Festering Seethe that has taken over a mountain and corrupted its inhabitants. There is almost no dialogue and almost no story. Cutscenes are short and few and far between. instead, Goddess Road Quickly transporting you from one level to the next, its main campaign is neatly organized between escort missions, boss fights, and rebuilding the place you liberated from the Boiling Lands. In that regard, it has a refreshingly old-school feel.
Each stage starts at dawn. You run around, building fortifications and traps, clearing out the filth of animals, plants, and villagers, and collecting the translucent pink orbs left behind as key resources. The orbs are used to carve a path forward for Yoshiro so that she can slowly perform a cleansing ritual across the map. They’ll also need to upgrade their villagers into a variety of roles, from melee lumberjacks and ranged archers to shaman healers and tanky sumo wrestlers. Spend all your balls on Yoshiro and you’ll be defenseless. Waste them all on your ally and she’ll be dead in the water.
Minutes later, night falls and the Boilers begin to move through the gates and attack in wave after wave. While villagers can take down smaller enemies with no problem, larger enemies will require quick attention. This is where Goddess RoadSoh has basic one-button combos that do decent damage, but adds a heavy attack at the end of each combo, stringing together a series of dancing sword attacks that you can control but can’t cancel. It’s like winding up a toy ballet dancer and watching it mow down hordes of enemies. It’s a small but novel innovation that makes combat feel smooth and rewarding even in the simplest and repetitive situations.
Goddess Road But it’s more than that. Soh has dodge and defensive attacks, complete with a timed parry mechanic, which adds extra depth. Repeated attacks will temporarily stun enemies, but if used too many times in a row, Su’s defenses can also be broken, leaving him frozen and vulnerable for a few seconds. Soh also has a special meter that slowly fills up, allowing him to launch a variety of ultimate attacks that can turn the tide of the battle at critical moments.
It’s a tight combat loop that slowly gets more interesting over the course of the game as you unlock new abilities and find items that provide you with special perks. A small skill wheel lets you invest in dozens of upgrades, such as a higher-risk, higher-reward fighting stance, and a charge attack that breaks enemies’ staggered meters more. The result is real-time combat that makes you feel powerful and agile without being overpowering, built on enough customizable elements to make you feel like you have some meaningful choices to strategize around each new encounter.
Another important part of your strategy is your villagers. Each time you defeat a boss, you’ll gain a new mask, which represents a different role that you can assign to the villagers who help you on your journey. Each mission starts from the beginning, recruiting anyone you meet along the way to join your demon-hunting expedition. Basic characters require fewer orbs, but are not as strong. Someone like a Sumo who will anger the enemy, or a Gunner, who fires slower but does more damage and is more expensive.
They all have different advantages, disadvantages and use cases, one of which is Goddess Road Being correct doesn’t make any of them feel outdated or redundant. My favorite so far, though, is The Witcher. It will be filled with spells that give you map-wide supers that you can use immediately if they’re still alive. It feels like a nuclear bomb blast call of Duty It has saved my life many times.
For the most part, boss battles prioritize enemy design and animation over unique mechanics. Most of them look incredible, even if they’re not the overall highlights of the game for me from a gameplay perspective. few things feel better Goddess Road Instead of knocking a giant Seethe off its back and then gathering your troops to unleash hell. I’m still thinking about the giant poisonous toad that my gunner exploded with a huge pyrotechnic, killing it before I could move.

There’s only one thing holding me back Goddess Road Going down is the settlement reconstruction part. After liberating a village, you can go back and explore it without enemies, which mostly means walking to various parts and assigning workers to repair houses, bridges, gates, or shrines, which all need to be completed after a certain number of battles. There’s no real need to prioritize one set of fixes over another, and the most helpful reward is completing every fix for a specific map location, meaning you have to complete them all at some point no matter what. As a result, every cool battle is followed by a clunky and perfunctory maintenance phase that would be easier to manage from the main map menu.
It’s an immature system as far as strategy games go, and it stands out in part because of how balanced and well-designed the rest of the game is. One thing I particularly like Goddess Road It’s the user interface that feels integrated into the overall fabric of the experience. Soh’s health is shown through a scroll next to his body, the upgrade menu for his abilities is the hilt where you can swap tassels and runes, and the save screen is a long folded paper with a sigil on it.
They’re small improvements that make an already great game even better, and they remind me of the PS2 era, when more games felt like they were trying to find their own path rather than following in the footsteps of what everyone else had already done. . It is this authentic spirit and unwavering commitment to a unique vision that makes Goddess Road It’s refreshing now, especially with this level of budget, production and quality. When so many games feel like they can be made by anyone, for anyone, Goddess Road It feels like something unique for people who never knew how much they’d like it. Creative swings like this don’t always work. Goddess Road It definitely will.
purchase Kunitsujin: Path of the Goddess: Best Buy | Humble Bundle