After more than 20 years of Marvel Comics, he has served in different roles, including editor-in-chief and chief creative officer, comic creator Joe Quesada Resigned and launched his own amazing comic brilliance under the leadership of Mad Cave Studios. Despite the new creative adventure, Quesada didn’t quite say goodbye to Marvel. In fact, for some time, writers/artists have been making fun of some new Marvel projects that many people speculate about, and it has something to do with Marvel Knights. Sure enough, the publisher officially announced Marvel Knights: The Upcoming Worldthe six miniseries that arrived in June this year.
Join Quesada Marvel Knights The miniseries will be the writer Christopher Priest He wrote the Black Panther title as part of the original Marvel Knight series, and Quesada’s regular colorist Richard Isanove.
By Quesada and Jimmy PalmiottiMarvel Knights is a more “adult-focused” title that provides much-needed inspiration for Marvel when it unearthed bankruptcy. The importance of the Marvel Knights series to publishers and comics in general cannot be exaggerated.
Here is how the publisher describes the project:
Marvel Knights has developed, almost complete: The Upcoming World, a six-version series, with Quesada and Priest combining their decades of experience making superb comic Sagas to produce the entire new horizon of the Marvel Universe. The story begins in Wakanda, centers on amazing developments around T’Challa, Storm, Shuri, etc., which will reverberate around the world, transforming the Marvel Mythos you know and boldly reshaping its most legendary hero.
King Wakada is dead, leaving behind the world’s most advanced technology, the most precious metal, and a hidden library of dark secrets, while triggering a global conflict between Marvel’s heroes, villains and mutants. With T’Challa’s disappearance and the future of Marvel Universe shaking on Vibranium Knife Edge, Wakandan Throne’s tribal challenge and its mysterious victories will become new leaders in Wakanda and Wakanda and will become new leaders in the world.
Quesada said that the history behind the Marvel Cavaliers is
“September 1998, Marvel Knights #1 hit the stands, followed by Punisher,,,,, inhumanand Black Panther. Eight months ago, Jimmy Palmiotti, Nanci Dakesian and I spent endless hours and sleepless nights with our creators, making the best books we can do. We know they look different and are ahead of anything Marvel published at the time – but in a struggling comics industry, no one will notice. We believe they will do well, but we didn’t expect Marvel Cavaliers to have an overwhelming fan reaction or lasting impact on Marvel.
“Fast forward to October 2017 – My best buds, mentors and Marvel Knight Black Panther The author of Christopher Priest (and my money, the best writer in the comics), gave me an idea rooted in his original Marvel Knights’ ideas about T’Challa and Wakanda. It’s crazy, beautiful and edgy hell. I told him I had to draw it and we should go bigger. ”
Quesada added:
“The Pastor delivered a dish, a journey for us and fans, bringing familiar characters to new and unexpected places that give these original books the upper hand. Since I haven’t had that much fun drawing project Marvel Knights #1. ”
The project is the full moment for executive editor Nick Lowe, who said:
“More than 20 years ago, I started working as an editorial assistant Marvel Knights Books, now I can watch Joe and Pastor celebrate it with this masterpiece,” “We’ve been working on it for a long time (Joe finished the last page of #5 this week), but I can’t believe the rest of the world is with us this June! ”
Marvel Knights: The upcoming world will arrive at the store on Wednesday, June 4, 2025. View Interior Art below.