Earlier this week, Jay Leno was injured after falling 60 feet down a hill outside a hotel in Pennsylvania. It is said to be the former tonight show The owner is trying to find a restaurant to order from. However, not everything makes sense in this story about an older comedian who falls down a dirt track.
November 19, Internal version Met a scarred Jay Leno in Beverly Hills, California. He told the outlet that while he was staying at the Hampton Inn outside Pittsburgh, he tried to take a shortcut down a steep hill to a restaurant instead of “walking a mile and a half down the road.” He lost his balance and rolled down the hill, hitting several rocks on a small dirt road on the way down. As a result of the fall, he broke his wrist, lost a fingernail, had a big bruise on his left eye, and suffered a lot of scratches on his face. Three hours later, Leno (now wearing an eyepatch) completed his comedy routine as planned and went to the hospital after returning to Los Angeles, he said.
In fact, Jay Leno did fall down a small but steep hill and was injured. It’s true. If this is good enough for you, you can stop reading now. But I have questions about everything else.
Questions about the fall of Jay Leno
For beginners, Internal version Later reported After the fall, Leno went to a restaurant called The Boulevard near the hotel and ordered a chicken dish. The restaurant manager told Internal version Leno arrived at the place without a reservation for lunch, ordered this dish and some garlic bread, and left.
However, The Boulevard is a restaurant about 750 feet away. That’s not also Far away, but Leno told Internal version He didn’t have a car at the time. (This is pretty ironic considering How many cars does this guy have?.)

Meanwhile, down the hill where Leno fell, there was a sports bar specializing in chicken wings. According to a Reddit postwhich is actually where Leno went when he fell. Thinking Leno was craving some Buffalo wings, they took the dirt path that others had carved into the mountain and took the same shortcut, not realizing how steep it was, and fell.
This makes sense because in another interview TMZLeno said someone at the hotel told him there was a good place to eat “at the foot of this mountain.” It sounded like someone was pointing at Leno at a sports bar at the bottom of a hill instead of a roadside chicken restaurant.
Adding credence to this theory, after Leno’s fall, he visited a local CVS and purchased an eye patch, which was documented by a staff member via a selfie. The nearest CVS is just down the road from the sports bar.
There was one small problem, however, no one at the sports bar remembered Leno coming in and ordering anything that day. local news website tribliff Report The manager on duty that day didn’t recall Leno showing up, and no one he asked recalled seeing the comedian eat some chicken wings.
So it would seem to indicate that the manager of the Boulevard was telling the truth, that Leno walked to the bar, ate some chicken, and then left after being injured after falling down a hill. But it’s also possible that someone is trying to spin a good story, so major news outlets highlight the location for some free publicity.
(Probably) What happened, maybe…
I’ve tried to piece together the stories and comments from Leno and others, and I think this is what happened.
Leno was told he could find some food at a location down the hill from the hotel. He stepped out, tried to take a shortcut, and fell. After being injured, he probably called someone (or someone was with him and saw it happen) and they robbed a car.
At this point, someone pointed out that the restaurant was actually located on the roadside and not in a parking lot adjacent to the hotel. So they headed to the boulevard, Leno ordered a chicken sandwich, ate it, and then they drove back down the same road to the CVS at the intersection. He got what he needed, took a selfie, and they continued back to East Pittsburg Street and to the theater so he could perform.
Or maybe Leno was confused as to when and where he fell and not everyone remembers exactly what happened and he did eat some wings at that sports bar but no one noticed because, I mean , how big a star will Jay Leno be in 2024? Maybe later Leno had a chicken parmesan dinner at another place and the manager was confused about the time.
Now I’m going to put away my map and red string and stop thinking about it. Enjoy Friday and the rest of the weekend. Be careful when going down the mountain.