James Earl Jones, who sadly passed away this week at the age of 93, left one of the richest legacies in entertainment large and small, on stage and screen. But fans of a galaxy far, far away will always remember Jones for his crucial contribution to Darth Vader, whose booming baritone and appearance defined one of pop culture’s greatest tragic figures.
Yet while Vader’s integrity is shaped by many factors and ideas – from David Prowse’s physical performance, to Ralph McQuarrie’s legendary design, to the dimensional creations of dozens of writers across media, Vader’s most infamous lines – but few of them have as much impact as Vader’s. As Vader, Jones can jump from tragedy to rage, from restrained menace to biting black humor at any given moment, forever giving a human heart to the cybernetic beating behind Vader’s armor and to the man beneath the mask. An invisible face. Here are a few of our favorite reads from Jones’ time as Vader: some hilarious, some badass, heartbreaking, some creepy, with lines big and small that will be etched in people’s minds forever. Star Wars fan.
Honorable mention: “I want the rebels to be found and identified if it means searching every home in the system.” (Star Wars Holiday Special)
Vader’s only line in the infamous film Star Wars Holiday Special Not much – just a line dubbed from archival footage new hopesetting up a lingering threat behind the rest of the special. But it’s special because this is the first time in the series that Jones has received special recognition for his performance as Vader. It’s no secret that the actor was paid very little to play Vader at the time, and until Jedi Counterattack Credit goes to him in the original trilogy. maybe one thing Holiday Specials Be remembered for doing the right thing.
“Then you will die Braver than most. (“Twilight of the Apprentice” Star Wars Rebels)
jones’ work on vader profile rebels The appearance is noteworthy on almost every point here, but not only is this an incredible return – one that’s humbling for a kid of all people – but roar Jones emphasizes that “death” is very ferocious.
“Apology accepted, Captain Nida.” (The Empire Strikes Back)
Vader’s reputation for ferocity is matched by his reputation for being a bit abrasive, and it’s a joy every time Jones indulges in it. The lighter tone here, the knowing lilt as he carefully steps over Nida’s body, the sense of the moment with the prequel’s hindsight Very Anakin.
“You are a member of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away! (new hope)
You might argue that so early Star Warsmaybe Jones just hasn’t found the range he uses to define Vader, but the emotion in these lines is still interesting. Rarely do we actually hear Vader look as visibly angry as he does here, let alone the voice he injects into his parting orders.
“Touching. Most impressive. (The Empire Strikes Back)
Once again, Vader is always the funniest when you hear a hint of the twinkle in the usual baritone voice Jones gives him, and how he draws the first line here as Luke tries to crawl out of the ice An “impressive” piece of content that really reflects the pipeline out of the room.
“Nooooooooo!” (Revenge of the Sith Emperor)
Watch: This may be controversial given its memetic legacy, but the truth is, “no” is good! The transformation between Anakin of the past and Darth Vader of the present is so perfect and full of tragic drama. He let out a pained, gargling growl before shouting loudly, his voice swaying just slightly as he pulled out. Yes, it’s unintentionally funny, but it’s still so, so good.
“When I left you I was just a learner, now I am a master.” (new hope)
Jones brings captivating rhythm to Vader at times, especially in new hopethe rising and falling intonation of his lines really amplifies the inhumanity of Vader as a character. But it also makes the point he makes when he meets Obi-Wan again very interesting: there’s a cool arrogance in the way he quickly adds “now.” I I am the master” here.
“I’m changing the deal. pray I wouldn’t change it again. (The Empire Strikes Back)
It’s a great line by any means, but Jones sings it, emphasizing the little growl underneath “Pray to Me.” There’s enough menace in that moment to sell the whole thing without Vader having to raise his voice to be particularly dramatic.
“If you don’t turn to the dark side…then maybe she will!” (Jedi Counterattack)
Vader’s speech as he coaxes Luke to emerge from the shadows beneath the Emperor’s throne during their fateful duel is subtly done, but the final line, which makes Luke succumb to his rage, is downright threatening. Jones’ last line, “Maybe she will,” is almost staccato, as if each word is like a knife being thrown at Luke.
“Your masters tricked you into believing you could become a Jedi.” (The Siege of Lothal) Star Wars Rebels)
Vader is forever so whenever they are rebels. That’s a crazy thing to say to a kid when you’re trying to telekinesis them into slitting their own throats with a lightsaber! But it’s so good, and the way Jones plays it most of the time is so casual and calm, until he lets out a little growl when he says “Jedi,” as if he’s disgusted by the word.
“No… I I am your father. (The Empire Strikes Back)
You can’t make this list without this. it is this Vader’s lines, even though everyone remembers them wrong half the time. But beyond the shock of the initial twist, its famous legacy goes beyond just one great reason: Jones delivers it in a flawless, almost wistful tone, as he tries to convince Luke to join him. When “I” stretches, he injects this tiniest warmth into it, just right.
“What!?” (new hope)
like revenge of the sith emperorThe “No!” is more of a meme’s legacy than a particularly good Vader line, but like many moments in the movie new hopeIn retrospect, the way Jones played seems so strangely human. It wasn’t anger, nor was it restrained in the way Vader often thought of it: it was a short, sharp, almost shocked scream that was so foreign to hear coming from his mouth.
“Maybe I can find new ways to motivate them.” (Jedi Counterattack)
Jones is great at bringing out surprising emotions from Vader, and this moment comes from an early moment with Vader Jedi Counterattack No exception. There’s an almost gloating tone to his voice as he bullies Governor Jerome Rod, and the knowing threat he gives “incentive” here carries an underlying chuckle almost more than anything else: it’s a total control situation people and hope you know it.
“Director, be careful not to choke your ambition.” (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)
at this moment Rogue OneKrennic is sometimes criticized for being a bit too nosey since Vader just choked him for shitting and giggling, but it’s totally in keeping with Vader’s character – especially in the context of where we see Anakin’s character Vader is shown below in the prequels at this time. It’s a nice mix of Anakin’s bragging and Vader’s enjoyment of his powers.
“Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him. (“Twilight of the Apprentice”) Star Wars Rebels)
So much happens in such a short line, and Jones once again portrays the subtleties perfectly. His disdain for his former name, the growling “weak” that reflects his own self-loathing, is immediately contrasted with his subsequent relatively articulate “I ruined him” which makes it all the more tragic .
“It’s… too late for me, son.” (Return of the Jedi)
This isn’t a numbered list – all of these line readings are great, and it’s a testament to Jones’ legacy that almost every other line he ever read Star Wars Iconic in their own right, but we saved our personal bests for last. When Luke begs his father to return to the light after his deliberate capture on Endor, and Vader pauses before telling him it’s too late, he adds weight to the “son” that it’s all a complete tragedy . It’s a shade of Vader we haven’t really seen much of in the trilogy until this moment, and Jones plays the pathos perfectly.
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