Reviewer Rating: 4.45/5.0
No, you didn’t drink LSD or trip on mushrooms! Blame the fracture in reality on the latest episode of It’s Always Sunny!
For whatever reason, I convinced myself that things couldn’t possibly get any weirder in this wonderful series. I was wrong in many ways.
If there’s one thing fans of the show have realized, it’s that you should always expect the unexpected when it comes to Sonny.

The show weaves a balanced plot that ranges from pure camp humor to gripping moments of suspense and danger.
While it’s been testing viewers’ patience, we’re finally getting some answers!
Thank God, because Sonny was exhausted in the best possible way.
Sonny finally unravels the many mysteries surrounding the home robot and its creator
Watching “Sunny” is like being an addict in need of detox. Even though the rewards are minimal, you want more and more.
Fortunately, satisfaction is now upon us, as the story finally comes to life for Susie and the audience.

Who is Massa’s father? Well, now we know! He is not a gangster, but a technological genius like his son.
It’s not much, but at least it can lead the story to find more answers.
Granted, the answer is likely to raise more questions. There is much yet to be touched upon.
Is Massa still alive? What is his relationship with Ji? What is Sonny’s purpose? Why is The Gang after Home Bot?
With only a few episodes left, the writers need to go all out unless they plan on building an epic cliffhanger on this Apple TV+ series.
This would be bad because the suspense only works if a new unanswered question is introduced at the end. There were about a hundred more before we were ready for more.

The best part of this episode is that we finally get some insight into Martha’s backstory.
From angry moods to bad-ass suits, what triggers Masa’s huge glow?
They say the best way to tell a story is to start from the beginning.
While this may be important to remember, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Suzy learns that the truth is just as important as the items the Trashbots treat as trash.
The interesting thing about Martha before starting a family is how similar he was to Suzy from the beginning.

They are both moody alcoholics who prefer quiet and solitude. It just goes to show you that even lonely people still want someone to be alone with.
Both characters are drinking heavily, almost like they’re hiding it from the police. Can you imagine what these two would look like on a date night?
Whenever Susie (Rashida Jones) walks into a bar with Martha, the bar owners probably jump for joy.
We also can’t discuss Massa in the past without talking about how anxious he was.
Between the long hair and eyes glued to the floor, I’m surprised he’s not wearing a spiked collar and eyeliner.
The way he dumps his emotional baggage on his parents is a teenage tantrum worthy of The CW.

You might think that after Martha didn’t love him his whole life, he would be happy to have a different father.
Although there are still some unresolved problems, Yuki and Noriko try their best to comfort and help Yasha.
He can take a few minutes to get to know his biological father after playing “Trash or Not.”
However, as far as we know, he did, which resulted in him working on a robot instead of a refrigerator.
Still, there’s a missing link between a drunken Son running around with a garbage robot and a successful tech-genius family man with a solid right hook.
When did Martha go from disheveled hermit to suit-wearing badass?

look? There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but I believe we’ve seen the spark that led to Masa creating Sunny, voiced by Barry’s Joanna Sotomura.
For a guy who suffers from loneliness, you’d think he’d be more focused on his family than a robot.
As Yuki said of the roboticists, they are all looking for something.
There are plenty of situations the show could accommodate Sonny in, but thankfully, sex isn’t one of them
Which brings us to everyone’s favorite home robot, Sunny! A perfect little robot for the Sakamoto family.
Sonny has been at the center of all this craziness since the series began, and as the titular character, we expect no less.

After this episode, I think it’s fair to say that Masa built Sunny to comfort lonely people.
From what we see of Massa and his family, there is a sense of loneliness.
It makes you wonder if Martha actually had a happy home, or if Suzy has been choosing to only remember happy memories.
Regardless, everything that happens to Sunny has something to do with Masa.
If I were to take the liberty of hypothesizing, Masa invented Sunny with his mother and Suzie in mind.
If that’s the case, he’ll likely make sure Sonny can protect either of them if needed.

If Sonny is Suzy’s companion, that would explain why the robot can trip over balls while watching the vortex on the screen. No one likes to get drunk.
It all depends on the gangsters and the “dark manual” they want.
But whose side is Sunny on?
Sonny asks viewers to ask themselves, are we on drugs or is this all a dream?
The ending of this episode was unnecessarily confusing, but I loved it.
Usually, when I want to be completely blown away by a show, I watch Lady of the Lake. But Trash or Not-Trash doubled down on my fever dreams.

What is Sunny’s final ending? Is the entire show a simulation? Is Susie getting a total recall?
As far as I know, first Zen, then Sunny came to the rescue, and finally a hole suddenly appeared and Home Bot fell into it.
Make it meaningful!
Either the writers tell the story from the perspective of quantum physics, or Suzy is drugged or unconscious.
There’s a lot to wait for in those last few seconds. If the creative team wants to ensure viewers stick around until the end of season one, they don’t need to try that hard.
It’s Always Sunny is more than just a series. It’s an experience achieved through unique and clever storytelling tools.

That a show can be so captivating with so little investment is a testament to a remarkable plot and stunning performances.
We didn’t see much of Hime and Mixxy (bumbling Annie) in Sunny Season 1 Episode 8, so we’ll see what the writers have in store for these strange and still somewhat unfamiliar characters.
Do you have any theories about Sonny’s purpose?
What do you think happened at the end of this episode?
Let us know in the comments below, and join me again as I review the next episode of It’s Always Sunny!