Reviewer Rating: 3.8/5.0
If it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it’s probably not a robot trudging its way through a dark forest, unless it’s sunny.
After the intense events of last episode, we learned a few things about Susie’s journey.
First, the gang must know where Suzy and her family live.

Secondly, we’re pretty sure she was lucky not to be home when they arrived.
Finally, we learn that Suzy and her companions must leave because things are getting increasingly dangerous.
To reflect Suzy’s feelings in It’s Always Sunny Season 1 Episode 5, they don’t have answers.
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She spoke there.
However, as far as episodes go, this one fell short in a few areas.
Despite plenty of unanswered questions, Sunny’s development continues to drop

Every episode so far has been one crazy, wild ride after another.
From Suzy trying to cope with the loss of a loved one through alcoholism to investigating her husband’s secrets, the show delivers one epic or hilarious moment after another.
But common among even the best shows is the dreaded dip in tempo.
This can happen even to your favorite, most award-winning show.
By the time a show reaches mid-season, especially its first season, the story can lose momentum.
This is typically the case when a story transitions from plot onset to plot development.

In Sonny’s case, this involved tiptoeing through a dark forest in the middle of the night.
Unlike every previous episode, the plot in “Joy Sakamoto” doesn’t advance the story.
Suzy and Sonny don’t have any answers or clues yet as to what to do next.
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At least they managed to go off the grid by trapping themselves in a vast expanse of woods.
One thing fans of the show can count on, however, is that Rashida Jones will continue to deliver a masterclass in balancing her characterizations between comedy, drama, and thriller.
Mixxy is either a friend with a big heart or a less cunning and cunning agent

We wouldn’t say there’s nothing in “It’s Always Sunny” season 1 episode 5, though.
Although the story barely progresses at all, we learn a bit about Mixxy.
In Sunny’s words, Mixxy always tries too hard to be Suzie’s friend.
We must agree.
After seeing her actions and words in this episode, we also started to have questions about Mixxy.
At first, there wasn’t much connection between Suzie and Mixxy other than bartenders and customers.

Things only change when Susie asks about the mysterious “Dark Manual.”
We know this is something Mixxy is familiar with because that’s why Suzy tracked her down after they first met.
Of course, it’s a little strange that Mixxy helps Suzy so directly, taking her to meet her friends with ties to the Dark Manual.
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After the widow admits her loss to the bartender, we just assume she’s feeling sympathy for Susie.
But after escaping a battle with robots and a beating from gangster thugs in a bathhouse, we have to ask why Mixxy sticks around.
Danger seems to follow Suzie wherever she goes, and the greater the danger, the less likely Mixxy is to go anywhere.

The Apple TV+ series is slowly unraveling Masa’s web of lies and all of his secrets.
Sunny may have been created by Sakamoto, but she may want to avoid this family of con men
It seems the secret is the bread and butter of the Sakamoto family.
A few brief flashbacks reveal that Martha was not the wonderful husband and father we thought she was.
We now know that Susie’s late husband wasn’t as observant as we thought.
He was late and wasted time playing with his son.

I’m not trying to pass judgment on anyone, but the writing is on the wall.
It makes sense that Susie just wants to remember the good times after losing her family.
Still, we can’t help but think she’s been living through rose-tinted glasses.
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Drinking is often a way to escape, and Noriko mentioned that it was an ongoing thing for Suzie.
However, we can trust Noriko as much as we can.
Martha probably learned how to be a good liar from her.

Because who is Martha’s biological father?
Is he a gang member?
Do the Sakamoto family have criminal connections that reach directly to the top?
Initially, Martha seemed to be leading a Mr. and Mrs. Smith situation, a la the Donald Glover series.
Like Suzy, we’re not sure if their life and marriage is real.
Considering Suzy is surrounded by characters with questionable intentions, three people are probably a lot more than companions

I can’t help but feel that at the heart of these secrets is sunlight.
As the titular character, we know the home robot isn’t going anywhere.
But more importantly, after Martha died, she was given to Susie.
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As great and hilarious as Sunny is, she may not be who she seems.
Of the other home robots we’ve seen, none have been so outspoken.
It’s as if Sunny was explicitly programmed to continually improve her knowledge base.

Her interactions with Mixxy and Suzie demonstrate her ability to express a wide range of human emotions.
Did you see how quickly Mixxy reacted when she lied about encouraging Sonny to keep the bird?
So what’s going on?
They say keep your friends closer and your enemies closer.
But which one, if any, hides an ulterior motive?
Sunny has always been by Suzie’s side, helping her in any way he can.

Still, there may be things hidden in the robot’s protocol that she doesn’t even know about.
There’s also Mixxy, played by the bumbling Annie, who manages to find her family’s farm for safety at the end of “Joy Sakamoto.”
But is it really safe for Suzy and Sonny to follow the man who was a stranger less than a week ago?
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Suzy has lost her family, is losing her mind, and may be losing what little friendship she has somehow found in the midst of all this craziness.
Time will only tell who she can trust and where she can turn.
The only thing viewers should care about now is Sunny’s plan and why she keeps Hime’s fake pinky finger!

Lots of questions and none of them answered yet, but I love this crazy adrenaline-pumping story!
Do you also have doubts about Mixxy?
If Sunny had a darker purpose, what would it be?
Let us know in the comments below, and join me again as I review the next episode of It’s Always Sunny!