Earlier this year, Feral Interactive launched an excellent iOS version Alien: Isolation (Free) has been updated to change the game’s business model, with the full game unlocked for free through a single in-app purchase. today, Alien: Isolation The Android version has been updated with a free trial of the game, just like the iOS version. This way, Android players can experience the first two missions. After that, an in-app purchase is required to unlock the full game, which costs $13.49. Those who already own the game shouldn’t see any changes. For new customers, once the full game unlock purchase is completed, saves from the first two free missions will carry over to the full game. Watch the new trailer Alien: Isolation On iOS and Android as follows:
I selected Alien: Isolation As one of the best games to play on an iPad using a keyboard and mouse, I think it’ll play well on an Android tablet as well. If you haven’t gotten it on iOS yet, read my glowing review of the game when it launched. We also named it our Game of the Week when it launched. full version Alien: Isolation The mobile version includes all 7 DLC packs and costs $14.99 to unlock. you can grab Alien: Isolation It’s available for free download on the App Store here and Google Play here. View our forum thread here. have you ever played Alien: Isolation Not on mobile yet?