Isaac “Zach” Foster, “Angel of Death”
Zack (voiced by Shigehiko Okamoto in Japanese and Dallas Reed in English) is the second playable protagonist in the Angel of Death series.
He’s a serial killer who begins the game by chasing the main character, Rachel, before breaking the rules and becoming a victim along with her. He wants to escape the building they are trapped in and makes a truce with Rachel, promising to kill her at her request as long as she helps him escape first.
Zack has unkempt black hair and mismatched eyes. Both eyes are golden brown, but one has a much larger pupil than the other. His entire upper body was covered in horrific burn scars, so much of his skin was wrapped in bandages, even extending to his face. He was wearing a mid-toned brown hoodie with black shape detailing, red skinny jeans and black lace-up boots. He is rarely seen without his scythe, as it is his favorite tool of the trade.
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