Starfighter 2 is out now and is making a name for itself on the Steam charts, breaking records for concurrent players since its official launch yesterday. However, as a premium game, you may not be able to ride on the hype train right now. For those of you waiting for a payday, discount or otherwise, Roblox may be able to tide you over.
That’s because the community has actually created some very interesting and ambitious Warhammer 40k games on the gaming platform over the years, bringing enjoyment to those who are in the middle of the Venn diagram connecting Roblox and 40K. Believe it or not, some of them are pretty awesome.
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Moro March
This is a very bad one. Marches of Molech is an open-ended PvP/RPG game set in the 40K universe, where you can choose from a variety of gear for either the loyal Imperial faction or the traitorous faction. Once inside, you can take your Roblox avatar into the open battlefield and clash with other factions for control of the battlefield.
The game hosts dedicated gaming sessions in its community Discord, and a lot of work goes into it. The action feels solid and the world itself looks great considering the engine it’s powered by.
Warhammer 40,000: Humanity’s Crusade
Now, this Roblox game will be the closest thing to Starfighter 2 you can get without actually playing it. In the game, you will control a brave Space Marine and work with other players to repel the endless swarm of Tyranids. You’re given various loadouts and have to navigate the fog of war without being surrounded by bugs. Classic Warhammer 40k.
What’s particularly cool here is the model work for the Tyranids, which look quite gorgeous in the Roblox engine. Not only that, but Liktor can turn invisible at a distance before knocking you down, which is also nice. Try the Starfighter 2 dieting experience with friends or alone.
Phosphen 40K WIP
Within the catalog of Roblox 40K games, there are a handful of games that attempt to bring different factions into a single experience. Phospen is one such example, providing a one-stop shop for different Loyalists and Chaos factions, different handmade models, loadouts, and more.
While Phosphen is clearly an early effort, it’s a very cute project that’s clearly filled with a lot of love for 40K. It would be cool to walk around in Terminator armor, or resize your Space Marine so you become a little guy with comically large shoulders. Try and show some love.
Warhammer 40k SG
The game is especially cool now because it hearkens back to Warhammer 40,000’s tabletop origins more than any video game genre. In it, you can control various units from multiple different factions and use combinations of selected units against other players. It’s not a replica of the tabletop game, but it’s pretty close!
Because of the type chosen for the Roblox experience, it has the greatest variety of units and is worth checking out if you’re a Warhammer fan who wants to see what a Squig looks like in the Roblox engine. It looks pretty complicated, but if you have some time to kill, this is exactly what you’re aiming for.
Warhammer 40,000 – No.2
That’s right, folks, Warhammer 40,000 2! The long-awaited sequel to Games Workshops’ legendary IP is now in Roblox!
Jokes aside, it’s almost like a military shooter where you control a loyal marine or a cultist with the goal of shooting each other on an industrial map. Small but very sweet. If you’re itching for some competition, this game offers probably the most immediate and explosive bursts of action of any Roblox 40K game.
Of course, you miss out on the Space Marines, but they are rare companions! Did you see those Imperial Guard reactions in the Star Marine 2 movie trailer? They’re on their knees praying, man, you don’t see Space Marines every day. This is the true backbone of 40K. Ordinary people shoot each other with automatic guns. Give it a try!
Well, there are some Roblox games to tide you over until you can get your hands on Starfighter 2. As of this writing, we’re almost halfway through the month, so surely payday isn’t too far away, right? All your friends are waiting for you to come online, man, you can do it. Stay strong, save money, and hang in there. Once the cash arrives in your wallet, Starfighter 2 will be waiting for you.