Marvel has successfully brought back Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, and Kevin Feige thinks it’s a “great sign” that other characters can do the same.
There are spoilers for Deadpool and Wolverine (unless you’ve seen the film’s final trailer, which gives away too much information).
One big thing that both Jackman and his co-star Ryan Reynolds wanted to make clear after the announcement of Deadpool vs. Wolverine was that Jackman’s previous character, Logan, would not be touched. They knew full well that if Logan was ruined in any way, fans would be extremely upset and the upcoming trilogy wouldn’t be well received. What’s the solution? Deadpool and Wolverine’s versions of the characters are from another universe – no, not Fox’s X-Men movies, a separate universe entirely. Or at least, that’s what it looks like based on the final trailer.
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Whether this ends up working for you or not, you’ll have to wait and see, but in the eyes of Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige, it’s a powerful way to bring the character back. In an interview with Talking Movies , Feige said the “key” to bringing back characters in a satisfying way is respecting their legacy, which would be a big deal if Marvel were to try to bring back Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark. Would be Big/Iron Man, or Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers/Captain America.
“That’s the key, right? How do you maintain the previous situation in a good way?” Phineas said. “You know, we’ve been solving this problem for Wolverine for the past two-plus years. So, what happens next? We’ll see. I think we’ve solved this problem and we’re proud of it. I think Hugh’s looks and starring role. [Deadpool & Wolverine] This is a good sign that this can be done if very careful.
Personally, while comics often kill off and resurrect characters, it’s a little difficult to do that in a movie, especially when a lot of moviegoers aren’t used to this kind of storytelling. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark’s story also ended very conclusively, so it just felt like a marketing stunt, even though we did a lot of work to narratively justify it.
It won’t be long before you can see whether Deadpool vs. Wolverine itself has successfully narratively justified Jackman’s return, as it opens in theaters this Friday (July 26).