Planners sometimes find themselves in a position to introduce speakers or VIPs, or create introductions for others.
Just like the way characters are introduced in movies and novels, poor introductions can negatively affect the audience’s perception of the speaker, and sometimes even exudes a speaker’s atmosphere.
Here are some tips introduced by speakers to improve activities.
1. short.
Avoid long records of speaker achievements and focus only on important content for this particular audience. Participant demographic information was considered to assess whether participants would be familiar with what was introduced. Generally, most viewers are divided into two-thirds: those who are familiar with the subject, and those who can be classified as uninspired, Forestier said.
2. enthusiasm.
The speaker’s introduction is all about building excitement, so the person who is in the conversation needs to be really, wholeheartedly excited about the opportunity. If he or she is interested in being monotonous or selfless, the audience will not be interested.
3. Anecdotal balance with professionals.
The presentation of the speaker should be a balance between personal (when connected) and professional information. Avoid making ready-made comments when the announcer is familiar with the speaker and eager to prove his or her familiarity. “If you’re just talking about your famous friendship, it’s very focused and it doesn’t work for everyone in the room,” said Clare Forestier, a UK-based company event host.
4. If you have a host, make sure he or she has time to get familiar with herself.
“It is very important to give your hosts time to meet and understand the agenda because they can see how the theme of the event is connected,” Forestier said. Hosts with a strong grasp of the audience can connect the points between what they have learned and what to follow and include this information in the speaker introduction.
5. Consider exiting the speaker introduction altogether.
Can be replaced Through the voice of God, listeners can read the biographical information provided by the speaker in their own time.
At Go West, an annual event in Edmonton, Alberta, co-founder Brent Taylor said the lack of ceremonies is one of the unique aspects of the format. It is mostly praised, occasionally complaining about favoring traditional introductions.
“Our view on this matter is that we don’t want announcers to come on stage and spend valuable time with Bra, etc, etc, etc,” Taylor said. “And it’s almost always seen as a filler.”