The series was launched in 2016 and the inspiration will be animated in April 2023

© Kyowno, Bandai Namco Entertainment, Cygames
Xie Yeof The Idol Master Cinderella Girls U149 Comic revealed in latest chapter segmes‘ Sukomi On the platform on Friday, the series will end with the next chapter on November 9.
The comic centers on girls under 149 centimeters tall (approximately under 4 feet 11 inches) who aspire to become idols despite not having a producer or show. However, maybe there is a wonderful dress, a wonderful stage, a wonderful prince… The new Cinderella story is about these little idols and their little rookie producers.
The series was adapted into a TV animation in April 2023. Crispy roll Stream the animation as it airs. The fourth and final Blu-ray of the anime also contains a new episode.
Xieye Comics on segmes‘Online Sukomi Serviced in 2016. segmes The 17th bound volume will be shipped on June 28.
idol master Franchise started in 2005 as an arcade game where players are tasked with creating idols in a fledgling idol company, managing practice schedules, concerts, CD releases and vacations. The game was first ported to the Xbox 360 in 2007, with a sequel in 2011 finalizing the series’ first 13 characters. Later derivatives include idol master cinderella girls A social game that introduces more stories of new characters into the multimedia group’s story; IDOLM@STER Million Live!which includes the original 13 characters as well as new ones; Idol @ster SideMfocusing on male idols who all have “unique reasons” to become idols; and iDOLM@STER Shiny Colorsa new female idol mobile game that returns to the gameplay features of the first two games. The latest game in the series is iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors: Prism Songlaunching in November 2023.
The first animated adaptation of the series was released in 2007 Idol Master: XENOGLOSSIAderivatives Mecha Japanese cartoons. Other animations in the series include the 2011 idol master anime, 2014 anime movie The Idolmaster Movie: Enjoy the movie!2015 idol master cinderella girls2017 Idol @ster SideMand 2023 IDOLM@STER Million Live!. this iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors The animation will premiere in theaters in October 2023 and on television in April 2024.
Source: Cycomi
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