Like most romantic comedy anime, the main focus of “Ice Man and Cool Girl Co-worker” is the relationship and interaction between couples, especially the relationship and interaction between the protagonist couple. Like most romantic comedy anime, this series is both sweet and romantic. Throughout the series, you see a lot of interactions between Himuro-kun and Fuyutsuki-san, and each interaction becomes sweeter and more romantic. Himuro-kun makes actions and decisions that are more mature and thoughtful than some, if not most, romantic comedy anime, as he attempts to impress Fuyutsuki-san or become closer to Fuyutsuki-san. This anime is also set in an office, and most of the characters behave professionally, like people working there. Therefore, it gives it a more mature and adult vibe than other romantic comedy anime.
What sets this anime apart from other slice-of-life, romantic comedy anime is the fantasy concept given to certain characters. The idea of having some characters become descendants of monsters and work like normal people is interesting both in the story and in the character interactions. Each Yokai descendant has unique characteristics specific to its ancestor, which is a joy to watch. They’re nothing more than nice add-ons, though. Their unique features, such as the blizzards and snowmen created by Himuro-kun, only help accentuate the romantic scenes and gestures this anime showcases, making it look even cuter.