Lately it feels like every time we get a big Battlefield Special Attack 2 Announcing a partnership with another IP. Hero shooter just Wrapped one Transformers cross and is in In fact, the last few days world of warcraft celebration. This trend follows the new my hero academia-Inspiration event announced at Tokyo Game Show.
Actually, it’s starting to bore me. now that Battlefield Special Attack 2 have Story mission reportedly canceled This would have been the backbone of a sequel, but it felt like these characters spent more time playing heroes in other crap than driving their own stories forward. I have nothing against my hero academia. The manga and anime are widely considered to be among the best for teenagers today, and Battlefield Special Attack 2 has been working with anime, e.g. one punch man and cowboy bebop past year. So it’s not a surprising move, and the skin does look good.
but Crossover events have reached oversaturation levelsfor me and other members wider special attack communityespecially Blizzard Show preferential treatment for specific roles. Maybe I’m just growing frustrated with this game because it’s so hard to find at Blizzard Repeated layoffs and content reduction. At this rate, anything the team does, aside from the story-driven sequels we were promised in 2019, feels like a cynical money grab chase fort nightPopular culture references for success. This is the longest it’s taken me to complete a season battle pass because my interest in the game I once loved finally waned.
But I digress. we are here to talk my hero academia cross. The event will run from October 17 to October 30 and includes five skins based on comic and animated characters. Some of that will go to the usual suspects, as Blizzard seems to have done List of 10 heroes who love to wear new looks. Reinhardt will dress up as the burly All Might, Tracer will play the protagonist Izuku Midoriya, Bleach will attend the Halloween party as the masked villain Shigaraki Tomura, and Kiriko will get the skin of Toga Haiko. Juno is the last of the five, and he’s dressed as Ochaco Uraraka, which, judging from the character, is actually a Juno skin without the helmet. So it’s a good crossover. However, this does mean Juno will get a legendary skin before Venture, which hasn’t gotten a legendary skin since they added the Martian support character to the game four months ago this season. Click to see more skins.