Dragon Age: Veiled Wardens wraps up many of the ongoing storylines for fans of BioWare’s fantasy role-playing game series. But it also has some new clues to draw from, one of which is the focus of the game’s secret post-credits scene. Unlocking this final revelation is a daunting task that will span multiple quest lines. if you want to see everything Veil Guard requireda spoiler-free guide on how to unlock the secret post-credits scene. We’ll first go over the requirements, and then we’ll throw in a spoiler warning and discuss what it all means.
How to unlock Dragon Age: Veiled Wardensend credits
One of the lengthy quest lines you have to complete to see Veil GuardThe post-credits scene features a wolf statue tracking down a crossroads. These characters unlock some huge lore bombs and backstory about Solas, the elven god at the center of the universe. Veil Guard. You’ll find these behind locked areas at intersections, which usually require you to fight mini-bosses or solve complex puzzles. Once you’ve found all five, you’ll see a visitor at the crossroads who will guide you to the final stage of the quest line, which unlocks another option in the game’s ending. However, that’s not all you need to unlock the secret ending.
You also need to find three “mysterious circles” hidden around Thedas. These artifacts are hidden in dangerous places and can only be accessed after you put in some effort. One of them, in the Arathen Forest, requires you to complete an elaborate laser puzzle and build a bridge to some ruins surrounded by a lake that you can’t swim in.

The other two are hidden behind the dragon boss fight. One of them is in the cemetery you recruited Emrich. This area is home to the Hidden One, a dragon you will fight against by completing the missions “Restless Souls” and “Apex of Its Kind”. You’ll find one of the mysterious circles in the southwest corner of its lair.

The last one is probably the most complex of the three. You’ll find this in the Dragon’s Lair at the Crossroads as part of the quest “Corrupted Heart”. This requires you to fight three high-level champion mini-bosses at the crossroads, who draw their power from the Tears of Decline. Each defeated champion will give you a key to the dragon’s lair. Once you’ve defeated the beast (the mission becomes easier once you’ve found all five wolf statues), you can find the mysterious circle hidden in a hidden passage south of the Dragon Arena.

Then, all you have to do is reach the finish line. we won’t go in depth Veil GuardThe ending is here, but we’ll dissect the brief post-credits scene below. So if you don’t want to know what it means, just get out of here.

Are they gone?

Dragon Age: Veiled WardensSecret post-credits scene explained
This brief one-minute clip you worked so hard to unlock dragon age series. It depicts art depicting several key events from each game in the BioWare series, but with shadowy, cloaked figures inserted into it. This includes the Battle of Ostaga Dragon Age: Origins This resulted in the loss of most of Ferelden’s Gray Warden, with Bartland dragon age 2 And set off a series of events that led to the war between mages and templars, and Corypheus’s Dragon Age: Inquisition Almost destroying the world as we know it. A voiceover from an evil, unknown person talks about how their organization “balanced” and “guided” the people of Thedas in one way or another, leading to the events of the previous game. For what purpose? It’s not clear yet. But what is clear is that this voice and these shadows are part of the Executor, a mysterious organization that first appeared in Dragon Age: Inquisitionand then further expanded in the selection night in twente.
exist Inquisitionyou build several bases in the world of Thedas, and eventually, you receive a battle table action telling you that symbols drawn in chalk have begun to appear on these bases, depicting a downwards covered by two wavy lines. triangle. This symbol appears at the end Veil Guard“Here we come,” the voiceover says. The entire scene seems to imply that the Executors have been manipulating characters like Logan and Butland to carry out their plans. dragon age. Whatever they’ve been working toward will finally come true, and they’ll be coming to Thedas in the near future.

The art of the performer we see in this scene matches the description in night in twentewhich says they are hooded and robed figures. But we also know they come from “beyond the ocean,” which means they come from a land beyond Thedas and represent some kind of power we haven’t encountered yet on Earth. dragon age series. Codex entries you receive from arcane circles hint that they may be followers of the Forsaken, those disgraced elven gods who have been largely erased from history. Given that one of the only known Executor characters is antagonistic to Solas in Solas night in twentethis seems to be a possible explanation that could be further explored in future games, as Veil Guard Taking most of the elven gods we know off the board.
Even outside of this secret ending, there are references to some dangerous forces from across the ocean Veil Guardsuch as when Tash received a warning about them during their personal mission. Will current hero Rook fight these powers when they come? dragon age Does the game maintain the series’ longstanding tradition of introducing new protagonists? Veil Guard This reveal does end with the Marvel-esque “Veil Keepers Be Alert” text, which to me reads like a subtle hint that Rook might be leading the fight. But hey, Inquisition Ending with a more straightforward scene, the Inquisitor could have faced Solas in this game, but that didn’t happen. So we’ll have to wait and see.