like one of its obvious inspirations, War Armor, first descendant There are countless heroes that can directly change your play style, abilities and equipment. And, something like War Armorthe path to unlocking additional descendants first descendant Requires a lot of grinding. You can deal with this ordeal in one of two ways: either you can spend your time in the game completing countless missions to meet various goals and requirements, or you can whip out your credit card and purchase Caliber, the game’s premium currency. Significantly speeds up unlocking progress.
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One of the first heroes you have the chance to unlock in the game is the Rabbit. She’s also one of the best characters for farming Kuipers, an in-game currency that’s essential for increasing your power through upgrade mods. Whether you want to spend money on Bunny or spend time grinding, here’s how to unlock her first descendant!
How much does it cost to buy a rabbit with real money?
There are two ways to unlock Rabbit as your first hero. You can purchase her from the in-game store using the easiest and fastest method. Unfortunately, it also requires you to whip out your credit card and spend a little money.
If you want to buy a bunny without having to grind in the game, be prepared to pay 300 Caliber. By the way, the game does not sell 300 caliber sets. You have to buy the 520 Caliber pack for $9.99 and still have some currency left.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with buying a character. But the rabbit feels that he is wasted because She is one of the easiest to obtain through in-game methods. It really doesn’t take much effort to unlock her!
How to Unlock Rabbit for Free

To unlock the bunny in the game without spending a dime, visit Kingston (the first area of the game) and start rabbit research mission By talking to the lightning-fast hero Theater of the Fall outpost. There, she’ll give you a side quest that’s attached to the area’s main questline, which will inevitably unlock her research project. She requested:
- rabbit enhanced cellsby completing public space generator Kingston Mission.
- this rabbit stabilizerby completing Magister’s Laboratory Kingston Mission.
- this Rabbit Helix Catalystwin to complete public data transmitter Kingdon’s mission.
These three missions shouldn’t take long to complete, especially if a group of public players join the fight.
Once you complete these three tasks, the quest line will update with the task of obtaining basic materials by solving Sleepy Hollow Kingston Mission.
The third and final part of the Rabbit Research mission requires you to return to Albion, where you will work with Seneca. He will give you tasks to defeat Gravewalker During your first void interception battle. You can do this in the normal game, and it’s highly recommended to play with a group of people (or even a bar). Void Interception is similar to Void Interception’s raid. Destiny 2, albeit with only raid bosses, a handful of mobs, multiple stages, and a strict time limit. You have ten minutes to defeat the boss.

After completing the challenge, return to Albion and meet Anais exist Research institute.
You must hand over:
- x1 Rabbit Enhancer Cell
- x1 rabbit stabilizer
- x1 Rabbit Helix Catalyst
- x1 bunny code
- 400,000 gold coins
- Wait a moment
Once completed, you’ll have a brand new hero on the battlefield. Rabbits are lightning fast, can deal massive AoE damage on the fly, and may even become your main force!