vampire survivor draw lots of inspiration from Castlevaniaso the new From to Castlevania The DLC is awesome. I’m here to guide you through unlocking every hero and evolving every weapon because that’s how you’ll end up getting everything From to Castlevania Level must be provided. After all, what is vampire survivor But a bunch of enjoyable characters and weapons?
How to unlock each hero Vampire Survivor: Ode to Castlevania
- leon belmont (arms: Alchemical Whip) – Unlock conditions: Open the coffin in the starting area of Castlevania’s Carol stage
- Sonia Belmont (arms: sonic whip) – Unlock conditions: Unlock the stallion door, then pick up 7 heart refresh items
- Trevor Belmont (arms: dragon water whip) – Unlock condition: Defeat the giant Medusa head boss with Leon
- Christopher Belmont (arms: jet black whip) – Unlock condition: Evolve Alucart Sworb
- Simon Belmont (arms: wind whip) – Unlock condition: Evolve the Black Whip
- Just Belmont (arms: Holy whip) – Unlock condition: Evolved Wind Whip
- Judge Belmont (arms: platinum whip) – Unlock condition: Evolve Guardian’s goal
- Julius Belmont (arms: Vanitas Whip) – Unlock condition: Open the coffin in the hidden library

- Grant Danasty (arms: Scimitar) – Unlocking conditions: Evolved Water Dragon Whip
- John Morris (arms: iron ball) – Unlock conditions: Evolve Fire, Ice Fang, Gale, Rock Riot (no need to evolve them all in one run)
- Jonathan Morris (arms: javelin) – Unlock condition: Evolution grenade
- Soma Cruz (arms: grenade) – Unlock condition: Defeat Giggs with Julius Belmont
- Charlotte Olin (arms: fire) – Unlocking conditions: Find the 7 Mirrors of Truth after opening the Capra Door
- Sefa Bernardes (arms: Bingya) – Unlock condition: Defeat Slogla and Gaibang with Grant
- Joco Bernardes (arms: lightning) – Unlock condition: Defeat Abaddon boss (Clock Tower) with Soma
- Alucard (arms: Alucat Sworb) – Unlock condition: Defeat the clone () boss with Trevor
- Eric Lecard (arms: Spear of Alucard) – Unlock condition: Evolved Javelin
- Hector (arms: hammer) – Unlock conditions: Unlock the Scorpion Door, then pick up 7 Karma Coin items
- maria reynard (arms: Guardian’s goal) – Unlock condition: Complete any level with Shanoa and Just
- Shanoa (arms: stabbing) – Unlock conditions: Evolved Iron Ball and Alucard’s Gun
- quincy (arms: shuriken) – Unlock condition: Evolve Platinum Whip
- motto (arms: discus) – Unlock condition: Evolve Vibhuti Whip
- henry (arms: silver revolver) – Unlock condition: Evolve Tyrfin
- julia (arms: Gale force) – Unlock condition: Evolve Sphere
- Carrie (arms: rock riot) – Unlock condition: Fully evolved Glyph of Kustos
- Rinaldo (arms: Keremete Bubbles) – Unlock condition: Evolution Star Flail
- Mina (arms: recover) – Unlock condition: Evolved Iron Shield
- Elizabeth (arms: hexadecimal) – Unlock condition: Evolve Umbra
- Reinhardt (arms: turf sports) – Unlock condition: Find and open the fourth coffin in Castlevania
- Isaac (arms:Trident) – Unlock condition: Evolve Hector’s Hammer
- Sarah (arms: star flail) – Unlock condition: Evolution Alchemy Whip
- Vincent (arms: iron shield) – Unlock conditions: Evolve Folger and Keremite Bubbles
- Albus (arms: Optical photography) – Unlock condition: Fully evolved Confodere
- Lisa (arms: illumination) – Unlock condition: Evolved wine glass
- axis (arms: umbra) – Unlock condition: Evolve Luminosity
- saint germain (arms: globular protein) – Unlock condition: Evolution Trident
- Nathan (arms: sonic dash) – Unlock condition: Evolve Sonic Whip
- Cornell University (arms: Glyph of Kustos) – Unlock condition: Evolved Silver Revolver
- Barlow (arms: Glyph of Overlord) – Unlock condition: Evolved optical lens
- Vlad Tepes Dracula (arms: wine glass) – Unlock condition: Reach Dracula’s throne room with Richter
How to evolve each weapon Vampire Survivor: Ode to Castlevania

Character starts weapon evolution
- Alchemical Whip + Tiraghissu = Vampire Killer
- sonic whip + Skeleton Madman = Crisaegrim Tip
- dragon water whip + Attractorb = Hydro Stormer tip
- jet black whip + Stone Mask = Momegir Tip
- wind whip + Crown = Spirit Tornado Tip
- Holy whip + candlestick = dawn reminder
- platinum whip + clover = cross crusher tip
- Vanitas Whip + Hollow = Aurablaster tip
- Scimitar +wrist guard=burn knife
- iron ball + Armor = Wrecking Ball
- javelin + Spell = Long Inus
- grenade + candlestick = RPG
- fire + Spinach = Salamander
- Bingya + Conjurer = Cocytus
- lightning + photocopier = hidden mine
- Alucat Sworb MAX LVL -> Alucard Sword MAX LVL (with 6 other top level weapons and passive) -> Alucard Shield
- Spear of Alucard + Wings = Thunder Spear
- hammer + Hollow = Stamaza
- Guardian’s goal + Pumarola = Holy Beast Tower Shield
- stabbing Maximum number of layers-> stab roll Maximum number of layers-> Better to stab it
Other Castlevania Weapon Evolution Anthems
- Gale force + Bracers = Pneumatic Storm
- rock riot + Stone Mask = Gemma Tobo
- shuriken + Empty Book = Yagyu Shuriken
- discus + Pam Aegis = Star Blade
- Trident + Photocopier = Gungnir-Souris
- silver revolver + Carloma’s Magic = Gem Gun
- wine glass + Tiraghissu = Meal Voucher
- Keremete Bubbles + Armor = Keremite Mobus
- hexadecimal + Skeleton Maniac = Nightmare
- recover + clover = shelter
- star flail + Pumarola = Moon Stick
- iron shield + Parma Holy Shield = Black Iron Shield
- turf sports + Spinach = Rune Sword
- globular protein + empty book = Nitesco
- Optical photography + The magic of Carloma = Acebatus
- sonic dash + Wings = Lapidas Feo
- illumination + Crown = Vol Luminatio
- umbra + Attractor b = Vol Umbra
- volumetric luminescence + Shadow Volume = university
- Central Guardian + right back + sinestro cost =Guardian of the Trinity
- Dominate the pain + Mr. Angry + Dominate hatred = His Majesty’s power
- Endo gear + through the pendulum + muscle lift + Outer skin head = bell tower
Now that you’ve acquired the most powerful vampire-killing weapon ever created, you’d better get to that spire before your vampires get into another castle!