Dizziness is already there Guilty Gear before, but like many characters, she has been heavily modified effort. Now known as the “Dizzy Queen,” she can use some of her previous moves and is still quite a threat (despite her cute appearance).
How to read fighting game symbols
Since fighting games use a combination of directional input and button input, several methods of writing out these inputs have been created.
Currently, the most popular methods for sharing game combos include Guilty Gear Known as an “anime symbol” (so called because it is inspired by the anime aesthetic of fighting games such as Blue Wings, Guilty Gear,etc).
Directional input can be thought of like this: If you’re looking at the numeric keypad, your character is standing on the 5 key, facing to the right.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Think of it this way, pressing the up key is 8, the forward key is 6, the down key is 2, and the backward key is 4. When holding down and back at the same time, you say 1, down and forward is 3, up and back is 7, and up and forward is 9.
Buttons have different names in various games, but in Guilty Gear: Endeavorthey are as follows:
Heavy Slash->HS
Adding the two together, squatting boxing is 2P. The movement one quarter turn back when Kick is pressed will be 214K. etc.
It may take some getting used to, but once you can read animated symbols, a whole world of fighting game information is at your disposal.
How to play Dizzy Queen

You’ll need to purchase the Dizzy Queen herself or the Season 4 Pass to play as her in Endeavor. Tickets for her alone are $7, or a full season pass (which also includes Venom, Unica, and Lucy) is $25. cyberpunk edgerunner later this year).
Once you purchase either of them, you don’t need to do anything else to unlock her. The next time you launch the game, she will appear in the upper left corner of the character select screen.
The Dizzy Queen’s Most Striking Moves
Squat boxing (2P) -Diz’s fastest move. If your opponent forces you to block, this is your go-to “mash” button.

Far Slash (fS) – This move will appear when the opponent is far away and you press the vertical slash. It is very suitable for attacking the enemy when he is close. If you get hit, you can use the Slash version of Michael’s Sword to perform full-screen combos and knock out your opponent. After knocking them down this way, you can also use 236S (name: I use this to catch fish or “ice cubes”) to start the pressure.
Crouching Slash(2S) – Great way to hit enemies when they are close.
Crouching Dust (2D) – This move has great range, and like the 2S, you can use it to capture approaching opponents. This also sets up her powerful blending options through the use of her 214K (affectionately known as the “Ice Fish” by many players).
Standing heavy slash (5HS) – This multi-attack move has great range, and if it hits an enemy close enough, it will actually freeze them, allowing you to proceed with combos or takedowns.
Standing kick(5K) – Move quickly and reach far places. After that you can use 2D and summon Ice Fish (214K or 214P) to start your pressure if you hit.
Jump kick(jK) – Quick air button, which you can use to jump towards enemies or fight them in the air. jS is good for this too, but it’s slower and has more scope.

Michael Sword (236S and 236HS) – This huge slashing special move has tons of range and is one of Dizzy’s defining moves. Use it to punish distant opponents and make them afraid to get closer.
Wings of Light(22HS) – Wings of Light is a tricky but powerful move that deals unblockable damage, so even blocking won’t save them. From the time of activation, you need to avoid being hit or grabbed for approximately 10 seconds. After that, the wings will bloom and start dealing damage to nearby opponents. Unless canceled by reaching 22HS again, it will drain all of Dizzy’s Tension Gauge to deal damage. Very powerful, but tricky to use successfully.

“Ice fish” or “We talked a lot together” (214K or 214P) – Dizzy knocks down the core of stress. The P version creates an ice fish that flies along the upper half of the screen and bites the opponent, while the K version flies along the ground. The K version will be the version used to start Dizzy’s pressure and mix game after the knockout.
Dizzy Queen – Unisex
“Neutral” is the stage of a fighting game where neither side has a clear advantage and you are fighting for control of space.
When a turn begins, Dizzy has access to a variety of powerful mid-range abilities. Her standing range slash (5fS), standing heavy slash (5H), and crouching dust attack (2D) are all good choices.

If you hit an opponent with 2D, you can immediately use 214K (official move name: We Talked A Lot Together), and then 236K (name: Roasted Chestnut, or “Fire Knife”). This move combo is crucial to Dizzy’s zoning and pressure, so you’ll be using them a lot.
If you’re hitting with her other turn start options, or if you’re hitting with 2D but would rather knock your opponent out full screen (rather than force them to block your mix), use 214S (name: Michael Sword) instead, then You can use 214K and 236K.
Queen’s Dizziness – Stress
While Dizzy is a powerful character when neutral, she’s still pretty scary after winning neutral and forcing the opponent to start blocking.
Her 236K (name: Roasted Chestnut, or “Fire Knife”) gives her an advantage, so you can alternately hit her close 5S (also called close slash or cS) and 236K, and if your opponent Try to punch her out and they’ll get hit.
If they don’t try to fight, you can stop and catch them with 6D or 4D (side switch version). Use the thinking game of “Fire Knife or Grab” to keep your opponents guessing with the simplest attacks and throwing pressure.
Dizzy Queen- Combos

CS-2H-214HS-236HS(-6HS [optional: creates ice field])
This combo is useful when you’re hitting at close range and want to send your opponent full screen.
If you give up 236HS, you’ll lose some damage and the ability to build ice fields, but you’ll gain enough time to build fireball or ice fish zones. You can also check their methods using a Michael Sword or even a 236S, although the latter is riskier.

2K or 5K or CS – 2D – 214K – Mixed options
If they mess up, they get hit, and if they block, it’s still your turn. Either way, this is a great (and easy) way to start applying pressure when hitting the ball. You can also hold 9, then recoil (44 when in the air), then delay jK or land and hit 2K to mix.
2K or 5K or cS – 2D – 236S – 6S
This will keep opponents away, and the optional 6S followed by 236S will freeze the entire area, causing slippery mischief. While they deal with this, you can harass them with the Michael Sword, Fire Knife, Jumping Dust, and Ice Fish.

Dizzy is a really fun character and now I’ve made it possible for you to jump into a match and start using the options. Of course, the characters will continue to develop as new strategies are discovered, but this is a fantastic starting point. Now go out and show them what Queen Dizzy is capable of!