Dragon Ball: Spark Zero is a game filled with numerous characters and mechanics. While it does have a training mode to help you master the various systems available, some things aren’t explained very well. influence action is a good example, although it is a common mechanism. A worse explanation is the Super Move, a fast-paced dodge technique unique to the Sparks! state.
Since there’s only one sentence in the game mentioning its existence, you’re more likely to see someone doing it online, or accidentally do it yourself before spotting it in combat training mode. Although it doesn’t have many suitable applications, this niche exercise option is a great tool to have.
How to perform super moves

Super Move is a technology only available in Spark! state. This means you need to charge your Ki to max or higher, but this will consume skill points. Once in Sparking!, use Dragon Dash (RT+A for Xbox, R2+Cross for PlayStation), then press the Guard button (RB or R1). Your character will soon start disappearing left and right, with very short recovery times. Keep pressing the buttons and they will look like they are flashing on the stage.
You mainly want to use this to dodge super or ultimate blasts. If you time it right, you can avoid even the most annoying of Perfect Tracking supers. However, it’s not that useful against larger attacks like Spirit Bombs.
Not everyone on the list has access to the super move. Larger characters like Topo and Broly, as well as giants like Megazord Vegeta and Jamba, simply cannot use this technique. The lines do get a little blurred when it comes to different forms, as Jiren normally can’t use his super move, but his full version can. I was lucky enough to discover this when I unlocked him confusing endingbut for most other characters, figuring this out will just be trial and error.
Don’t mix and match – use super moves sparingly
The biggest advice I can give about this technique is not to overdo it. Yes, I totally agree, spamming and seeing your character zip around the screen looks awesome! Unfortunately, doing this has some big drawbacks:
- Super moves drain your energy, usually about a quarter of a bar. The gas gauge in Sparks has been exhausted! Super moves, on the other hand, cost a bar and are only used a few times, making it easy to waste your limited time in this high-energy state.
- Your character doesn’t move randomly – there’s a pattern. Super movement allows you to swing side to side quickly. This doesn’t mean the opponent will be able to hit you easily, but you can dodge and then quickly come back for a super charge or beam attack.
- This technique usually tracks your opponent. It’s great for turning enemies in one direction quickly, but sometimes it’s too fast for the camera to keep up. This is especially noticeable when using super movement and pushing the sticks to the side, as the camera will have a harder time keeping focus on you.
Read more: Dragon Ball: Spark ZeroOnce you master Super Sprint, you can become a Super Sprint
As cool as it looks, I highly recommend doing the super move only once or twice at a time. It only takes one well-timed use to dodge a super or ultimate blast. The only reason to spam is if you’re running straight at your opponent and want to scare them a little. When someone is driving in your direction at high speed in a zig-zag pattern, it can look pretty scary.
Consider some competency projects

Watch out for super sports isn’t the only tip we share. If you need extra leeway to work around the limitations of super movement, or perhaps just want to use it more, you may want to consider making room for some select ability items.
The main issue we want to address is how much energy this technique uses on you. In addition to general ability items that help conserve ki, there are some specifically used with super moves. Here are some things to note:
- Super Move Secret – Reduce the spark cost of super moves! Measurement.
- Dragon Dash Secret – Reduces the energy required for Dragon Dash.
- Strong style – sparks flying! Mode lasts longer.
- Dragon Heart – Increase the number of skills after avoiding explosions or ultimate explosions by moving at high speed.
Super movement is undoubtedly one of the most niche mechanisms Dragon Ball: Spark Zeromany people think it is useless. While many people feel bad that spam can be harmful, being aware of this can benefit you greatly. It’s still obscure enough that you might scare or confuse people who use it online. Plus, I can confidently say that there’s nothing cooler than dodging a super beam and flying with it to take down your opponent. It provides a powerful energy that we should all be here for.