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Star Wars DesperadosThe space travel mechanic occasionally provides an enjoyable diversion when you tire of sneaking into Toshara’s imperial compound. But oddly enough, the game seems completely uninterested in explaining its mechanics, purpose, and technology, instead leaving us writhing in confusion or, worse, missing out on the fun it has to offer.
Here’s how to make the most of space travel Star Wars Desperados!
What can you do in space
Most of us will eventually travel through space Star Wars Desperados Just to get to the next planet, which is the real heart of the game. Flight Through Darkness exists only as a very complex loading screen. But there’s a lot of fun there! It’s a good idea to spend some time in the Blazers’ captain’s seat.
Once in orbit, you’ll notice several points of interest on the map, most of which can be interacted with in some way. There are loot to be found, opponents to fight, and space stations to infiltrate. If you’re having trouble finding them, press R3 to highlight more details.
- shipwreck: The various sizes of starship wreckage left behind provide easy opportunities for eagle-eyed thieves. Around these derelict ships, you’ll find abandoned crates that you can blast open with your settler’s laser cannon to reveal the sweet loot inside in the form of points and resources.
- landmark: Like shipwrecks, landmarks provide the opportunity to obtain high-end loot, especially upgrade materials. You’ll need to be willing to fight enemy fighters, the occasional cruiser, and the debris field that usually accompanies a point of interest.
- station: There are one or two space stations (usually controlled by imps) in orbit around each planet in the game, where you can find high-end loot and stealth gameplay opportunities. However, missions may take you to the station before exploring.
- terminal: Assuming you choose to clear debris and landmarks – the factions and empire won’t like this, and they’ll likely send enforcers to your location. Visiting the terminal clears your desired level, allowing you to fly through the stars with ease!