The sword gun is a heavy bayonet, added in ring of fireof shadow of tree expansion. This weapon’s awesome Ashes of War and excellent overall damage output make it a rock-solid choice for power builds looking to add some interesting flair to their kit.
Here’s what you need to know about the long gun and where to find it.
Heavy Thrust Sword Statistics and Features
The Spear Sword has a weight of 9.0 and requires the following attributes to use:
This weapon comes with Ashes of War: Rotating Gravity Thrust. This Ashes of War game lets you jump into the air and stab enemies with a spinning gravity attack that not only looks cool, but also deals massive damage. You can also press the input again for a shorter follow-up attack.
Swords and spears can be upgraded to +25 using a standard forge stone.
Sword and gun item description
The item description of the spear sword is as follows:
“A weapon once used by Commander Gaius.
A combination of greatsword and lance.
This weapon is heavy and capable of withstanding great forces, showing its true potential when used from a mount. Gaius himself never left his boar.
where to find long guns
You can use the Hog Rider’s Memorial to purchase swords and guns from Aenea in the Round Table Fortress. This Memento is obtained by defeating Commander Gaius at the end of the Shadowkeep Legacy dungeon in Skarduartus.

This boss is known for giving some players considerable difficulty, especially those with athletic melee builds, because of how much he likes to move around the arena. If you’re having trouble, check out our guide How to Defeat Commander Gaius.
When you defeat Commander Gaius and obtain the Hog Rider’s Memory, give it to Aenea at the Round Table Fortress and choose “Give Power from Memory”. Scroll to the Memento of the Boar and make sure to redeem it for a sword and gun.

Alternatively, you can swap the Memento of the Boar for the Blade of Stone Magic. If you want both, be sure to copy the memory book at: replica coffin.